Shi zuizui has thought well. If things go well, she will take Xiaotiantian back to Ancheng to meet the catfish and reunite their brothers and sisters.

If Lu Sui recognizes her, she can have a showdown and take Xiaotiantian away. If Lu Sui didn't recognize her, it would be difficult for her to confess her identity to Lu Sui.

It's urgent to have a look at Xiaotiantian first. She can't wait to see her soft cute little daughter.

Lou Qin saw Shi drunk and impatient, and knew that she was eager to love her daughter.

"Shall I accompany you?" Lou Qin hurried to the office building of Huanyu Group. He was still worried that Shi Zui went to Lu Sui's house alone.

"If you go, it's not equal to exposing my identity directly? I'll see Xiaotiantian first and then make plans. Don't worry, today is different from the past, and no one can bully me." Shi Zui drove to the office building.

Lou Qin got out of the car and told him, "call me if you have something. Don't forget, I'm also Xiaotiantian's mother."

"Come on, wordy." Shi Zui closes the door.

Lou Qin lost his smile. Although Zui didn't say anything, she knew that Zui was jealous of her because she spent all the happy children's time with Xiaotiantian.

After seeing Lou Qin off, Shi Zui immediately went to Lu Sui's villa.

Looking at the villa door close to her, she was timid. Xiaotiantian is inside. She came here so early. Does Lu suihui still not go to work?

Also, Xiaotiantian went to the ancestral hall to wait for her early yesterday morning. Will she also go out to the ancestral hall early this morning?

After hesitating for about ten minutes, she still rang the doorbell.

Pei Jia was a little surprised to see the man standing outside the door and couldn't help opening the door.

Yu Nian came to the door early in the morning. Is something wrong?

"Aunt, hurry up, I'm going to see my mother!" Xiaotiantian is waiting impatiently.

Pei Jia looked back at the child: "no, Miss Yu came by herself."

"Mom's hot?" Xiaotiantian didn't react for a while. She was about to cheer and think that she was a fake of Shi Nian. When her mother saw her face, she couldn't help?

Xiaotiantian runs upstairs. Shi Zui has entered the living room and sees the child's flustered back at a glance.

"Miss Yu..." Pei Jia greeted Shi Zui.

Shi Zui ignored it and went upstairs: "I'm looking for my little client! Don't come up. I'll talk to the little client alone."

Pei Jia watched Shi Zui go upstairs and stood there blankly, wondering what had happened.

Shi Zui went to the second floor and soon found the children's room.

Xiaotiantian hid in the children's room, closed the door tightly and sat on her little bed. Was she dazzled just now? She actually saw her mother?

"Open the door, child!" Shi knocked on the door drunk.

Xiaotiantian simply hid under the quilt and looked at the door with wide eyes. If mom came in and knew she wasn't a catfish, would she be angry? Once mom is angry, will she never talk to her again?

"Little guy, open the door, mom has something to tell you." Shi Zui said and looked behind her to make sure Peijia didn't follow. She added: "I know you're Xiaotiantian, not a catfish. Mom's not angry."

Xiaotiantian, who was hiding in the house, was skeptical when she heard this. She jumped out of bed and heard her mother talking to her very gently.

She hesitated for a moment and opened the door.

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