Xiaotiantian shook her head like a rattle: "my mother had short hair when she was a child. I want to be a girl like my mother!"

She also wants to compare Shi Nian with that kid.

"Fool, mom has long hair now. You should stay long hair, wear a skirt and be a beautiful girl like your mother." Shi Zui holds Xiaotiantian and is reluctant to give up.

She always wanted a little daughter in her dreams. Unexpectedly, her dream came true. She not only gave birth to a daughter, but also the child is so big, so cute and soft. Looking at the child makes people feel good.

"But the kid is a boy, and my mother likes the kid. After I become a girl, will my mother not like me spicy?" Xiaotiantian asked seriously, because this is a serious question.

"Mom also likes her daughter. If Britney becomes a little princess, mom will like Britney more in the future."

Shi zuixiu told Xiaotiantian to run away, and she began to rummage.

Shi Zui didn't know what the child was doing until Xiaotiantian turned out a beautiful little skirt, quickly put it on and ran to her: "Mom, I'm a little princess. Mom should like me more."

Shi Zui picked up the child and kissed several times: "my daughter is so cute!"

Xiaotiantian giggled and couldn't stop

Pei Jia waited for a long time and didn't see Xiaotiantian come out. She went upstairs curiously to have a look. She listened carefully, and there came Xiaotiantian's laughter, mixed with Yu Nian's laughter.

After Yu Nian knew it was Xiaotiantian, she really became different. This woman seems to like Xiaotiantian very much.

She also wanted to eavesdrop. The door suddenly opened. Shi Zui came out holding Xiaotiantian's hand. She was caught secretly.

Shi Zui pretended not to see Peijia's sneaky appearance and said to her, "I want to take Xiaotiantian to the Zongguan, can I?"

"Of course," Peijia replied without hesitation.

When Yu Nian first came to the villa, she specially asked Lu Sui. Lu Sui said that whatever Yu Nian wanted to do, it was OK.

She didn't understand why Yu Nian's lethality was so great that she not only subdued Xiaotiantian, but also let Lu Sui obey her orders.

"If you don't trust me, you can follow me." Shi Zui said and picked up Xiaotiantian.

Little doughnut wore Shi's drunken neck and resisted the impulse to kiss his mother. If her mother hadn't said she should be more subtle when there was an outsider, she would have been crazy with her mother.

Pei Jia said with a smile, "Miss Yu is the owner of the residence hall and the distinguished guest invited by President Lu to look after Xiaotiantian. How can I be worried? But Miss Yu is busy and always has time. I can help look after the children at any time."

Shi Zui didn't ask whether he could.

She believes in Pei Jia's character. Pei Jia has always been conscientious. Lu Sui gives Xiaotiantian to Pei Jiazhao, which is enough to show the importance he attaches to Xiaotiantian.

In this way, Shi Zui took Xiaotiantian to work in the Zongguan.

As soon as their mother and daughter appeared, they attracted everyone's attention. I haven't had a face-to-face interview yesterday. I'm so close today. Does this mean that Lu Suihe and their beauty salon owner are getting on well?

Everyone saw this novel scene and ran to tell the news.

Rumors spread ten or ten times. Soon everyone said that Lu Sui and the owner were in love, so they took Lu Sui's children with them.

During office hours, Xiaotiantian sat on Shi's drunken leg and called her mother from time to time. She was very happy.

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