As soon as Shi Zui opened the door, he saw Lu Sui carrying big and small bags in his hand.

Lu Sui took the initiative to solve Shi Zui's doubts: "this is Xiaotiantian's favorite toy. I specially sent it here to avoid wasting time and money on buying toys."

Shi Zui looked at Lu Sui coldly.

Intuition told her that Lu Sui already knew her identity.

It's not difficult to find out when he recognized her. About that time, after fighting with her, Lu Sui recognized her through her defense moves.

Then Lu Sui sent Xiaotiantian to her.

All this makes sense

Under Shi Zui's gaze, Lu Sui looked calm.

At the moment, Shi Zui is more and more determined about his ideas. In that case, can some words be spread out?

"Come in." Shi Zui gave up his position.

Lu Sui twisted large and small toys into the apartment.

He looked at Shi zuixi's apartment. The home furnishings were simple and atmospheric. They were all black and white. They looked very cold.

"Dad!" Xiaotiantian rushed at Lu Suilai when she saw him coming.

Lu Sui bent down to pick up the child and gently pinched the little guy's face: "was he good yesterday?"

"I'm good and spicy, which makes my mother very happy." Xiaotiantian is very proud of it. Her eyebrows are flying, which makes Lu suiding stay in her eyes.

Xiaotiantian continued to be good: "I haven't seen me all night. Am I beautiful again?"

"Yes, it's getting more and more beautiful day by day." Lu Sui replied in a faint voice.

I don't know who the child's temperament is like, not like him or drunk

Maybe it's like a little drunk who doesn't know the world. Unfortunately, later, he became a little drunk early. If you can grow up in a better environment, you will become another soft and cute little drunk.

Shi Zui watched Lu Sui interact with Xiaotiantian. Xiaotiantian seemed to like toys and couldn't put them down.

Lou Qin originally thought of the bedroom, but as soon as she heard Lu Sui's voice outside, she hesitated and simply hid in the bedroom.

I don't know if Lu Sui came to find Zui Zui early in the morning, or did Lu Sui discuss Xiaotiantian with Shi Zui?

The two adults in the living room watched the children play for a while. Shi Zui broke the silence: "you come into the study with me."

They went into the study one by one. Xiaotiantian saw two adults hiding and playing by themselves. She didn't go to join the fun.

Shi zuixiu closed the study door and said straight to the point, "I'm going to take Xiaotiantian back to Ancheng."

"You can take her anywhere you want." Lu Sui was not surprised that she made such a decision.

Shi zuixiu didn't expect Lu Sui to speak so well. Her prepared lines didn't come in handy. It was a little cold for a while.

Because she couldn't guess Lu Sui's idea, she didn't know if he had other conditions.

For a moment, she said coldly, "I'm going to work."

Lu Sui got up and took the lead out of the study.

Xiaotiantian is playing with toys. As soon as she sees Lu Sui, she jumps into his arms: "is Dad leaving so soon?"

Lu Sui kissed the child on the face: "follow your mother to be obedient, don't make your mother angry, and don't make trouble for your mother."

"Of course, I'm a good baby. How can I make trouble for my mother?" said Xiaotiantian. She thought something was wrong: "what about my father?"

Listen to what Lao Lu means, don't you want her and let her hang out with her mother in the future?

Of course she is happy to be with her mother every day. But if she's gone, what about dad?

Without speaking, Lu Sui kissed the child on the cheek and left the apartment.

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