Lou Qin wet his eyes.

Of course she knows that the child loves her, but this is the happiness she stole from Zui. No matter how, she should return the child to Zui.

Seeing that Lou Qin stopped talking, Xiaotiantian kissed her hard on her face: "listen to me, just find uncle Zheng. Uncle Zheng is very nice and doesn't dislike you. You can turn uncle Zheng and give birth to a more lovely baby than me. When you have your own baby, you won't think of me and read me again."

So happily decided!

Lou Qin's sadness, which had just been brewing, dissipated instantly after hearing the child's words.

Otherwise, the child is sometimes naughty and sometimes knows her very well.

Xiaotiantian asks her to cheat Zheng Yong because she is afraid that she will be lonely in the future. Although the child is small, she knows everything.

I don't know why Xiaotiantian likes Zheng Yong so much. She always makes a pair of her and Zheng Yong. Zheng Xuechang likes men. No matter how, she can't pick up the leakage.

Her own conditions are not good and she looks average. If she goes well in the future, she will be very lucky to find a less picky man to form a couple and have another child.

As for elite men like Zheng Yong, she really doesn't dare to make up her mind. She has no such ability and dare not do anything special.


Shi zuizui decides to hand over the preservation of Hengguang jewelry to his hand.

Because she promised Dong Qi to attend the weekend dinner, she decided to go back to Ancheng after attending the dinner.

Lou Qin took the children at home, and Shi Zui was at ease to attend the dinner.

She didn't expect it to be a masked ball.

When she came to the door, Dong Qi met her and handed her a delicate fox mask.

"It's a masquerade party. I guess you've never been here before, so you've been invited..." Dong Qi also introduced some details of the party.

Shi Zui was not interested.

Now that she has come, she can't leave now. She has to bite the bullet and enter the banquet hall.

She put on a mask, and the men and women around her also wore masks.

Until a man stood in front of him.

She looked at each other, her eyes getting cold. The man's footsteps were familiar, and she recognized it at once. It was Lu Sui. Even if he was wearing a mask, she knew which onion he was.

She was about to leave by mistake. Unexpectedly, the man suddenly held her waist and whispered, "Miss, please dance with me!"

"Don't pretend, I know you are Lu Sui!" Shi said in a drunken and cold voice, brushing his hand away.

The next moment, the man stuck up again and held her waist again.

She asked in a deep voice, "what do you want?"

If it wasn't a public occasion and didn't want to ruin today's dinner, she would do it impolitely.

"Dance!" the man forced Shi Zui into the dance floor.

Shi Zui didn't like Lu Sui. How could he lead him by the nose now? She finally couldn't bear it and attacked the man's footwall.

The man seemed to have expected that she would move and avoid it calmly.

In this way, you and I attack each other.

Shi Zui's offensive is fierce, and the man's defense is tight. He can't distinguish between the top and the bottom for a time. Finally, Shi Zui saw the gap and hit the other party in the abdomen.

While the man stepped back a few steps, she stepped out, took off her mask and left the banquet hall quickly.

She stormed out of the banquet hall and was about to leave the hotel, but she heard a familiar man's voice

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