"How could I have a sister? Did mom make a mistake?" asked Wen Tingting excitedly.

Is it hard not to be ignored for so many years because of this sudden sister?

Yao Lijun didn't answer, but was silent. She knew it was very sudden. If Zui hadn't suffered the accident two years ago, Zui might have recognized her ancestors and returned home.

"Brother, you've never lied to me. To tell you the truth, do I really have a sister?" Wen Tingting asked Wen Changdong when she saw that no one paid attention to herself.

Wen Changdong hesitated for a moment: "I do have a sister, but that sister died“

"Changdong, you don't know the truth. Don't curse your sister." Yao Lijun snapped.

Wen Changdong was so frightened that he didn't dare to speak again.

Yao Lijun looked at the literati present again and showed the dignity of the literati's mother: "I found the child two years ago, but I was unable to recognize the child until today. This Saturday, the child will come home and recognize his ancestors. Everyone in the literati must be present“

No one dared to say a word.

Yao Lijun is the spokesman and head of the literary family. Wen Tianhao has everything to do with her. Her words are equal to the imperial edict. Which literary family dares not to obey?

When Yao Lijun left, everyone was whispering.

Wen Tingting calls Wen Changdong aside and wants to know what's going on.

Wen Changdong said everything he knew. Finally, he said, "everyone thought that the child had died long ago, and I haven't heard from my parents in recent years. Over time, everyone forgot about it. I didn't mean to hide it from you, but I didn't think it was necessary to mention that sad thing again, so that my mother would be unhappy to hear it“

How do you know that in the end, his other sister didn't die and lived well. Now she has to return to the Wen family.

He is used to having only one sister, and in his cognition, he has only one sister.

"Don't worry, I only treat you as my sister. No matter who the other one is, we don't need to pay attention to it. Who knows if that woman is really related to us? Maybe mom made a mistake." seeing Wen Tingting unhappy, Wen Changdong comforted her.

Wen Tingting said with a wry smile, "do you think people like my mother may mistake their own flesh and blood? I finally understand that my mother doesn't like me because I've never met my sister. The person my mother has been reading these years has always been that sister“

No matter how excellent she is, she can't get into Yao Lijun's eyes.

Wen Changdong doesn't know how to comfort Wen Tingting, because he also knows that his mother hasn't thought of having another child since his sister was lost. It was his good father who deliberately impregnated his mother that gave birth to Wen Tingting.

Perhaps because of this, Tingting is not liked by her mother.

Now the culprit who left Tingting out in the cold is coming back. Since that sister is loved by her mother and father, Tingting will be loved by his brother.

"Don't think about it. In my heart, there is only one sister. The other is just a stranger at most." Wen Changdong comforted.

Wen Tingting didn't answer and was immersed in her thoughts. She didn't know what kind of character her sister had never met. When that sister came back, she would have no status in the family, right?

Fortunately, she has Lu Sui now. If it goes well, how good would it be to marry Lu Sui in the future? It's best that she can give Lu Sui a child and everything for that child.

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