Some netizens took out Lu Sui's photos and compared them with the photos of the mysterious man. They have the same height and the same side face. Who else can there be without Lu Sui?

Originally, Wen Tingting's incident was not too big. When it came out that the gossip hero was Lu Sui, the Internet exploded for a time, and everyone was wondering how long Lu Sui's new relationship could last.

Lu Sui's feelings two years ago were talked about with relish. There are not only one or two women who like Lu Sui, but the only women Lu Sui has admitted are Shi Zui.

But as Shi Zui's world evaporated, Lu Sui's feelings became a backwater. We only know that Lu Sui has quietly expanded his career overseas, and his career is getting bigger and bigger, but there are no women around him in the past two years.

The kissing photo with Wen Tingting was suddenly exposed last night. Does this mean that his relationship with Shi Zui has become a thing of the past?

Netizens are eating melons enthusiastically, but Zheng Yong feels puzzled.

He also looked at the photos on the Internet. The man really looked like Lu Sui, but he knew that unless Lu Sui was lowered, he couldn't have an affair with Wen Tingting.

Lu Sui can't love shi Zui in his heart, but he is still entangled with other women, which is unreasonable.

He had doubts in his mind, so he naturally went to Lu Sui. He happened to be in Ancheng and didn't want to go back to Bincheng. He simply asked himself to find out.

When he went to Jinxiu Hotel, the staff told him that Lu Sui was not in Ancheng.

He called Lu Sui again, and Lu Sui didn't answer his phone.

Is Lu Sui and Wen Tingting really having an affair? Are they dealing with Wen Tingting now?!

The idea just flashed away. Zheng Yong still believed Lu Sui's drunken feelings for Shi. He believes that there is love from the beginning to the end in this world, and he also believes in Lu Sui's intoxicated love for Shi.

Lu Suihe's relationship with Wen Tingting was exposed, and Yao Lijun naturally saw it.

She made a special call to Shi Zui, afraid that Shi Zui was unhappy and wanted to divert her attention. But Shi's drunken tone didn't seem to be affected at all, which made her happy.

"Son, think about ah Chan. I can trust ah Chan's character. He is also very good to you and children. If you can marry ah chan..."

"The Chu family's environment is very complicated, isn't it? If I really marry, I'm afraid I can't cope with it." Shi Zui interrupted Yao Lijun's lobbying.

If Chu Xiu Inn wants to find a Chu family to be the housewife, she is not the only one.

Chu xiuzhan is really a man without any interest. I'm busy working all day. Even if I contact occasionally, I won't mention the feelings between men and women.

The funniest thing is that since Chu xiuzhan announced that she was his girlfriend last time, she has never seen this man or answered his phone. She thinks no man and woman in the world are in love like this.

"This is also true. The Chu family environment is very complex. It is not easy to manage the whole Chu family. I hope my children will live a simpler life in the future." Yao Lijun said, also very distressed.

But apart from Chu Xiu Inn, who else can be worthy of her baby daughter?

Shi Zui couldn't help laughing: "I already knew about Tingting and Lu Sui. They won't have any impact on me. Don't worry about my feelings. If I meet the right excellent man, I will marry myself, will I?"

Finally, Shi Zui persuaded Yao Lijun.

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