Shi Zui couldn't think of why.

She didn't think it was wentingting's job.

Wen Tingting hopes that she and Lu Sui will never meet. How can she be exposed on this bone eye? Doesn't this make it clear that everyone connects Lu Sui with her?

Lou Qin paid extra attention to this matter before, because she brought Shi zuizui into it. She brushed the news from time to time. As soon as there was any change, she immediately told Shi zuizui.

"I find you gossip more and more. Well, it's not a matter for you to stay at home all day. You might as well go out to work." Shi Zui lalouqin sat down.

Lou Qin didn't want to: "what are you afraid of when you raise me? I don't want to work for the time being. I'll take a break."

If you work, you won't have time to pick up the children from school in the afternoon. She still hopes to spend more time with Xiaotiantian. As for the future, she'll think about it later. She's not in a hurry.

"Are you sure?" Shi Zui was confused.

Doesn't this girl feel bored at home all day?

"You work hard and can't spare a moment. I think my life is better than yours. I like to stay at home. Women, why do you have to work so hard?" Lou Qin said with a smile.

Shi Zui saw Lou Qin's stubbornness, so he no longer tangled.

Since she is willing to stay at home, she should stay at home. As Lou Qin said, she can't afford this girl.

On the other side, Wen Tingting was very excited when she saw the news of Lu Sui's return. After seeing Lu Sui's interview video again, she couldn't laugh.

Lu Sui said he hadn't seen her in the past two years. He was completely lying.

Just before he went abroad, she was still with him. How could she not see him for two years?

Other unknowns will believe this, but she can't believe it.

Is Lu Sui trying to get rid of her relationship?

When she saw that the news of Shi Zui was also rampant, she was sure that Shi Zui was hyping. Otherwise, who will expose the news that Shi Zui is in Ancheng at this time?

Next, all of them linked Lu Sui and Shi Zui, and no one mentioned her name again.

How can she be reconciled?

If she hadn't been with Lu Sui, she wouldn't be so sad. However, she and Lu Sui have developed to the closest point.

"Brother, think of a way for me. I can't just be abandoned by Lu Sui." Wen Tingting finds Wen Changdong and asks him to help out.

"Since Lu Sui is so heartless, you might as well hold a press conference and tell the world that Lu Sui is your man." Wen Changdong thought about it and thought that this method is the only safe way.

Since Lu Sui announced that he had not seen Wen Tingting in the past two years, it shows that Lu Sui is determined to dump Wen Tingting.

If Wen Tingting doesn't fight back at this time, she won't have a chance in the future.

"But I have no personal and material evidence." Wen Tingting said in a hoarse voice.

Even if she told the truth that she was with Lu Sui, who would believe it?

No, there is a person who knows that she is with Lu Sui. That person is Shi Zui.

Shi zuizui is the best witness. If she can design Shi zuizui and let Shi zuizui tell the fact that she and Lu Sui are together, she will win.

She told Wen Changdong about it. Wen Changdong thought it was a good way, on the premise that they had to find good reporters and let them hear Wen Tingting's drunken dialogue with Shi Zui.

In this way, Shi zuizui is a miss Wenjia, and she can't hide it.


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