Lu Sui didn't think so. He sat quietly beside Lu Wan and enjoyed the rare tranquility.

Zheng Yong sat beside Shi Zui and said nothing: "how are you recently? I heard that you came to the hospital to see me last time, but I didn't see you when I woke up..."

"You're getting better soon after your car accident!" Shi Zui interrupted Zheng Yong.

I didn't think much at that time. But since he entered the emergency room, it's only a few days. Why didn't Zheng Yong come out without clothes? He doesn't look like a man who has just had a car accident.

We can't blame her for being careless, but Zheng Yong's "injury" is very strange.

"Yes, my life is big, that is, I have an injury on my body, and the rest are small things. I am better than young and strong, and I can recover quickly if the injury is not serious."

Zheng Yong saw Tao Xiangyang and his eyes lit up: "Xiangyang, this way!"

Tao Xiangyang saw Shi Zui from a distance. The news that Shi zuizhou is the leader of the clan hall has spread all over the world. He really doesn't want to see Shi zuizhou at this time, because he didn't find that Yu Nian is Shi zuizhou. It's a great shame.

Shi Zui, this woman always has the ability to drive him crazy!

"You've become beautiful." Tao Xiangyang sat down in another empty seat beside Shi Zui.

"You are also handsome, but your brain is not in direct proportion to your appearance." Shi Zui replied with a light smile.

Tao Xiangyang smiled twice. How else can we say that Shi Zui is not liked by men no matter how beautiful he is? Can't her mouth say something nice?

He simply ignored the woman and came forward to put Tao Wan's hood down: "don't you say hello to brother Xiangyang?"

Lu Wan replied with a fake smile: "don't you think brother Xiang Yang's name is particularly disgusting?"

"Others call it disgusting, but you call it beautiful." Tao Xiangyang said to Lu Wan, "why don't you throw yourself into the arms of brother Xiangyang? Your nominal husband has a hot relationship with other women and has forgotten who his wife is."

After Lu's entourage returned from abroad, he also came to Ancheng. He saw Nie Zhiyuan and ChuChu join the team more than once.

I saw this scene again today. Later, I saw Lu Wan and Shi Zui, so I told Lu Sui about it.

Lu Sui told him that Zheng Yong just left the hospital. In order to celebrate Zheng Yong's narrow escape, they gathered here today

Tao Xiangyang made Lu Wan look sideways. She subconsciously protected Nie Zhiyuan: "he's not the kind of person you said."

Although she knows that Nie Zhiyuan and ChuChu often join the team, she still believes that Nie Zhiyuan will not do anything sorry for her, but eating is inevitable.

"If you don't believe it, I'll show you now." Tao Xiangyang said that wind is rain.

Lu Wanzheng was worried that she couldn't find a name to meet her rival for a while. When Tao Xiangyang said this, her eyes lit up.

On the surface, regardless of Lu Wan's wishes, Tao Xiangyang forcibly dragged her into Nie Zhiyuan's private room. Shi Zui could see that Lu Wan wanted someone to take her in.

This woman clearly likes Nie Zhiyuan, but she loves face. She's embarrassed to say it.

Out of curiosity, she followed Tao Xiangyang and went to the private room where Nie Zhiyuan was located.

In the private room, Nie Zhiyuan is chatting and drinking with customers. He felt that such days were extremely boring. He "ignored" Lu Wan for such a long time. If Lu Wan cared about him, how could he not appear now?

That woman may be busy filming in Bincheng, or she may have forgotten her husband.

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