Shi zuizui had never seen Wen Tingting drink before, so he didn't expect much from Wen Tingting's drinking capacity. But she didn't expect that Ding Lun was defeated after a round of wine fighting.

"Drunk so soon?!" Wen Tingting patted Ding Lun on the face. The more he looked, the more he felt that the man looked strange: "men have long hair. Men are not men and women are not women. The more they look, the more ugly they are."

Ding Lun was not drunk. He grabbed Wen Tingting's hand and yelled at her, "you are a monster without distinction between men and women!!"

After roaring this sentence, Ding Lun fell down again.

When Wen Tingting saw Ding Lun fall, she was also happy. She found herself a little dizzy and unstable.

Shi Zui knew she was almost drunk when she saw her like this.

"You go on, I'll take her back first." Shi Zui felt that he had a good excuse to get away.

It's a waste of time to participate in such a meal. If you don't talk about business, you have to lose a smile. Why bother?

"I'll see you off," Lu Sui said, trying to leave with Shi Zui.

"Ding Shao is so drunk that he just throws it here?"

Lu Sui looked back at the sound. He came forward, screwed up Ding Lun and threw him into the back carriage.

Wen Tingting drank too much and reacted slowly for half a beat. She slowly took out her mobile phone and whispered, "I'll take a picture of this human demon and let him see it when he wakes up..."

As a result, the picture was not taken well, and she almost fell down herself.

Seeing her like this, Shi Zui helped her get in the car and took a picture of Ding Lun in the back carriage.

Because I don't know where to send Ding Lun, Lu Sui recently took Ding Lun and Wen Tingting to Jinxiu Hotel and arranged them in the same room.

"Aren't you afraid of an accident if you arrange the two of them in the same guest room?" Shi Zui said uneasily.

"Don't worry, they are just verbally hostile to each other. It's impossible to kill each other." Lu Sui looked at the time: "it's getting late. I'll take you back first so as not to worry about the two children."

When Shi Zui walked to the door, he was still a little worried: "are you sure they will be all right alone?"

Two people look at each other and don't like each other. Will they wake up in the middle of the night and catch each other for a fight?

"What can happen? Ding Lun is usually very gracious. He usually doesn't have trouble with people, let alone a woman?" Lu Sui simply pulled Shi Zui out of the guest room.

Shi Zui felt that Lu Sui's words were reasonable. He went out of the hotel with Lu Sui. When he got home, the two children had fallen asleep.

The next morning she was woken up by the phone. It was Lu Sui's voice: "drunk, you'd better come to the hotel before you go to work."

Shi zuixiu heard Lu Sui's voice very serious. It seemed that something had happened.

She rushed to the splendid hotel as soon as possible and found that Wen Tingting and Ding Lun were still there. They each occupied a corner, as if they were going to kill each other.

"What's the matter?" she asked Lu Sui.

"Ding made me stronger when I was drunk!!" Wen Tingting attacked me first.

Shi Zui was stunned. He didn't expect that things would be so big.

"Obviously you ruined my innocence while I was drunk! Your woman's previous affairs have been posted on the Internet. Now do you want to touch me? Why, do you want to force me to be a cheap father of your wild seed in this way?" Ding Lun quickly fought back.

"Wait, make it clear!" Shi Zui thought it was too strange.

Ding Lun was completely drunk last night, and Wen Tingting was also very drunk. When she and Lu Sui left, they didn't realize


Ask for a ticket.

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