This time, Lu Sui didn't speak for a long time.

The space under the bed is limited. Shi Zui has been lying in the same position for a long time. He is really tired. She tried to call Lu Sui, but there was no answer. Hesitating, she climbed out from under the bed and found Lu Sui lighting a cigarette.

Seeing her climb out, he looked at her in his spare time.

He's wearing pants. He looks like a human. He's not as embarrassed as she is.

She hurriedly pulled the blanket around herself and stared warily at him for fear that he would suddenly come again.

"It's said on the Internet that I'm the gold owner behind the woman. Did you immediately believe this news?" Lu Sui asked with a puff of smoke.

"You have an affair with her..." under Lu Sui's stare, she changed her mouth: "well, most people will believe it, not just me."

Listen to Lu Sui's words. Isn't he keeping a little star?

"In your heart, I am so unbearable and lack of women. Can any woman let me cheat?" Lu Sui sneered.

"Hey, can you stop being so straightforward and vulgar?" Shi Zui glanced at the blanket not far away and wanted to get it, but Lu Sui stared. She thought it was better to maintain the status quo.

"If I said that someone was making a game behind me and deliberately framed me, would you believe what I said?" Lu Sui came forward and threw the blanket to Shi Zui: "one day, I want you to be willing to follow me!"

"You dream!" Shi Zui grabbed his clothes and said, "don't think about the next life."

"Then you'll stay in bed like this all your life." Lu Sui said, trying to get Shi Zui's clothes back.

Shi Zui hurriedly protected his baby clothes and replied with a dry smile, "well, there's no absolute thing in the world, right? I'm not sure when I'm out of my mind and take the initiative to bring you down?"

Lu is not a person. She threatens her with everything.

However, there are policies at the top and Countermeasures at the bottom. It takes a thicker skin to deal with people like Lu Sui. This is her recent experience.

"You haven't answered my question just now. Don't change the subject for me."

Lu Sui's words made Shi drunk and wanted to roll his eyes. Obviously, he blamed her for what he said and what he said?

"Since you say it's not you, I certainly believe it. There are many people who want us to separate. It's the most direct and effective way to create misunderstandings and contradictions between us and send you women. But who will that person be?"

Shi Zui said, taking care of himself as quickly as possible.

Fortunately, Lu Sui didn't rob again this time. She dressed properly and finally had a sense of security.

"Who do you think it will be?" Lu Sui asked.

"How do I know? Everyone is not optimistic about us. Anyone is possible." Shi Zui yawned: "no, I'm so sleepy. I'm going to sleep."

Lu Sui didn't say anything. He put out his cigarette butts, went into the bathroom and said in a loud voice, "get drunk and bring my pajamas. Of course, you can take them if you don't take them. It doesn't matter if I don't wear pajamas."

The sentence "don't take it" stuck in Shi Zui's throat was swallowed back into his stomach.

She jumped out of bed, ran to the master bedroom, took Lu Sui's pajamas and cursed Lu Sui.

She knocked on the bathroom door. "Here are your pajamas."

"I can't reach it. Come in a little." Lu Sui's voice sounded behind the door.

Shi zuixiu just wanted to throw his pajamas on his face, but he still endured it and walked closer.

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