The man parked his car on the roadside.

Little catfish got out of the car with little sweet. He hurriedly stopped: "wait, I'll take you two to the bathroom."

Lest the two children run halfway.

Although the two children could not recognize his true identity, he had to be careful.

He wanted to hold a child in one hand, but Xiaotiantian said she had a stomachache and ran forward. The little catfish saw that she was in a hurry and chased after Xiaotiantian. The two children ran fast.

Seeing this, the man hurried after the two children.

At this time, Xiaotiantian suddenly shouted, "help, catch the traffickers!"

Her scream made passers-by slow down.

Two and two children ran in front, and there was a man chasing after them. It seemed like such a thing.

Some enthusiastic people dialed 110, and others simply ran into the police station to find the police

Seeing that the battle was wrong, the man quickly explained, "I'm Lu Sui. You should have seen me on the Internet? These are my two children -"

"He is a bad man, not my father. He just looks like my father!!" Xiaotiantian screamed loudly.

The one and only a few as like as two peas, they saw that many of the passers-by surrounded them. They knew that the situation was more favourable to him and Britney Spears. He was much more calm than Britney Spears. He said in a low voice, "are you Lu Sui, you can see the finger film in the police station, you know what! Everything can be deceiving, but the fingerprints are unique. There are no two fingerprints in the world."

The man's face changed slightly.

He also saw that it was near the police station. If he went there, his fingerprints would show up.

Just then, a warm-hearted crowd came to the police.

He didn't dare to stay any longer. He hurried away from the crowd and wanted to escape.

"Stop him, he feels guilty and wants to run!!" the little catfish saw through the man's intention and shouted.

A warm-hearted passer-by saw the battle and knew that the man had a problem. Two men chased him.

The man caught up with him. He was very good at men. He took care of two men in three or two times, and then got on the car.

When the police arrived, they were a step late.

Later, although the police car was also sent to chase people, the outcome can be imagined. Of course, it failed to catch up with people.

Passers by photographed this scene and sent it to the circle of friends. It soon spread.

Shi Zui and Lu Wan rushed to the police station first. They saw that the twins were well and were sitting on a stool drinking milk. Shi Zui's eyes were hot and almost cried.

Xiaotiantian saw Shi drunk and flew into her arms: "the baby is very powerful. She almost caught the bad guy!"

Shi Zui wants to praise the child.

Now hearing what she said, she felt she didn't have to say anything.

This kid is as proud as a peacock. If he goes on boasting, he will go to heaven!

The police were full of praise for the twins, saying that they were brave enough to escape from the traffickers so quickly.

Shi Zui was modest. Soon after, Lu Sui also rushed to the police station.

As soon as Xiaotiantian saw Lu Sui, she flew into his arms: "this is the real father!"

Lu Sui hugged the little girl and kissed her fiercely: "my daughter is so clever!"

"Not only am I smart, but my brother is also smart. Both my brother and I know that the bad guy is not my father as soon as we see him!" it's rare that Xiaotiantian doesn't have exclusive credit. I still remember the little catfish.

Shi Zui smiled, and the little catfish also bent its lips.

The family thanked the police and got on the bus.

Shi Zui asked the catfish why he didn't expose the man's true face at school

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