Shen Hongyue can see that among the people at this table, only Dong Qi is out of place.

As soon as she spoke, everyone was silent. Even the two children saw the subtle relationship between them. They knew that Shi Zui didn't like Dong Qi. They also had a tacit understanding and didn't talk to Dong Qi.

Lou Qin is such a good tempered child that he doesn't want to talk to Dong Qi.

Everyone doesn't like Dong Qi. Dong Qi also knows that she is embarrassed, but she has the cheek to stay.

Even if some things are irreparable and some people will never forgive, she still wants to stay in this warm environment and feel their happiness.

After a meal, the atmosphere was warm.

Shen Hongyue's fried dishes tasted just average, but everyone was very supportive and ate them all.

Shi zuizu's apartment is very big. She specially vacated a room for Shen Hongyue and Dong Qi to live in this room.

She made her bed and was about to leave when Shen Hongyue called her, "drunk, talk with me before you go."

Dong Qi is right. If Shi Zui is happy, Lu Sui will not be a problem. Shi's drunken joys and sorrows affected Lu Sui's joys and sorrows.

"Anything else?" Shi Zui turned back to Shen Hongyue.

Shen Hongyue took her hand and sat down. She looked at her kindly and touched her face: "I remember you used to accompany Lu Sui to the small ancestral temple to see me. Once, Xiao Qi also came..."

When I mention those distant past, I feel like a separated world.

Shi Zui knows clearly that the person Shen Hongyue wants to say is Dong Qi.

It's just that there is a knot between her and Dong Qi.

"At that time, I saw that you and Xiaoqi were good friends, otherwise Lu Sui wouldn't have brought you and her. At that time, I didn't know that Xiaoqi was the daughter I missed so much. Son, can you understand a mother's mood? I abandoned the family because my daughter ignored Lu Sui. Lu Sui was still young, but he saw all this, so he helped me find Xiaoqi Come back. But at the same time, I lost this son. "

Shen Hongyue is sad when she talks about these things.

"It's normal that people lose when they get it. It's also true that Aunt Lu Sui broke her heart. It's also true that Dong Qi separated me from my two children for many years. It's also true that she betrayed me. Not everyone's repentance is worth forgiving. At least I won't forgive Dong Qi. This matter is the same result and won't change."

Shi Zui said calmly, got up and looked at Shen Hongyue: "I'm only glad Xiao Wan is not here today. If she sees you or Dong Qi, she must be sad again."

Lu Tao has lost Shen Hongyue. Has Shen Hongyue not lost Lu Suihe and Lu Wan?

How can there be so much regret medicine in the world?

Shen Hongyue was unwilling and caught up with two steps: "drunk, can't you give Xiaoqi another chance? She is really changing..."

"Whether she has changed or not, can she change what happened in the past? I didn't drive her away today, which is my greatest tolerance for her!" Shi Zui's drunken voice just fell, and he noticed Dong Qi standing at the door of the bathroom.

She glanced at Dong Qi coldly and left the guest room.

Shen Hongyue found that Dong Qi came out after taking a bath and heard her talk with Shi Zui.

She hurriedly comforted: "drunk is still angry. Don't be sad. There will always be a chance in the future. You and drunk are still young, and there will be a lot of time in the future..."

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