Lou Qin was the first time she came to such a place. She looked around curiously and looked at the cocktail in front of her: "I can't drink well. Is this wine strong? Will I get drunk?"

"Don't worry, you'll be fine if you're drunk. There's me." Shi Zui handed the cocktail to Lou Qin. He smiled like a flower: "sweet, it's delicious."

Lou Qin bowed his head and took a sip. He honestly replied, "it's really delicious."

They nestled in the corner and watched the young men and women twist their bodies freely on the dance floor.

Lou Qin was fascinated. Shi Zui looked at half of her face and knew she had feelings.

Although she didn't specifically ask her how she spent these years abroad, she spent the whole seven years studying and Britney Spears. Should she live a simple and simple life?

So busy, how can she come out and enjoy such leisure time?

"It's nice to be young. Sometimes, Mo Ming feels old and can't keep up with the young people's thinking." Lou Qin remembered that night.

The frontier fortress said that they had been in love for two weeks and should develop further.

She still can't understand why it took only two weeks to develop such intimacy.

She has been abroad for so many years. She is used to foreigners' open thinking and style, but she never thought that Chinese people's ideas have become so open.

"You sound very old." Shi was drunk and speechless.

Lou Qin smiled. When she saw the men and women not far ahead, her smile solidified on her lips.

Seeing that her expression was different, Shi Zui looked at her eyes.

A man is a frontier fortress. He is tall and big. He has a good temperament and looks good. He is also a luminous body standing in the crowd. Many women focus on him.

Beside him was a woman with a plump figure and outstanding appearance. The woman leaned in his arms and smiled like a blooming flower.

Men and women are excellent. The picture of them leaning together has attracted the attention of many people, including Shi zuizui and Lou Qin.

The frontier fortress seemed to sense something. His eyes crossed the crowd and finally fixed on Lou Qin in the corner.

He didn't know why. Obviously, she didn't exist in particular, but among so many people, he saw her at a glance.

Originally, with the passage of time, Lou Qin will gradually become a passer-by in his life. He has come, but he can't leave a trace.

He didn't expect to see her again in this situation.

"Know?" the woman saw that the frontier fortress had been looking at Lou Qin and snorted with disdain.

How could the frontier fortress know such an ordinary woman? Such people are thrown in the crowd and can't be found in the blink of an eye.

"Well, ex girlfriend." the frontier fortress looked back and was a little depressed.

He tried not to look at the corner, but Lou Qin's shadow always swayed in front of him.

It's not a special woman, and he doesn't know why he always thinks of it.

People who thought they were forgetful, how could they bump into his sight so coincidentally? Did she come to him to ask him for an explanation?

It's ok if Lou Qin is another woman, but she was introduced by Yao Lijun.

Yao Lijun also said more than once that Lou Qin is a very good and simple girl without any pollution.

Even for Yao Lijun, he can't just break up with Lou Qin so hastily, but there is no explanation


Xiao Louzi's first love is explained like this. Please get a ticket

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