Jiang Xin looked at Shi Zui for a while and finally realized: "daughter, do you want to ask Lu Sui if you are the only woman?"

"No, I'll just ask. Mom, you haven't answered my question yet." Shi Zui loves face and doesn't want to admit it.

Jiang Xin patted Shi Zui on the back of his hand: "I don't think Lu Sui is a man who can mess with men and women. But it's normal if he had other women before he married you. After all, it happened before he married you. Even if he had other women, it's reasonable. Drunk, you know, he's not young, and men need to relieve their desires..."

"Forget it, don't say it." Shi Zui didn't want to listen anymore. He climbed into bed and lay down.

Her mother's meaning is very simple. It's not normal that Lu Sui has never had a woman before. On the contrary, he has had very close contact with other women, such as kissing and rolling the sheets.

If I had known not to ask, I would have been more upset after asking.

"Zui Zui, you have alienated Lu Sui in recent years. It's normal that he hasn't been guarding you all the time. You can't blame him. You can't be so stingy." Jiang Xin saw that Shi Zui was in a bad mood and wanted to explain, but she also knew her daughter's temper.

Shi jiuzui replied, "don't worry about my mother. I can handle it myself. I want to spend more time with my mother this week, and I'll come back for the weekend."

Jiang Xin was worried when she heard this: "you child is stupid again. You and Lu Sui are newly married. How can you keep a man if you make a temper like this?"

Seeing Jiang Xin still talking, Shi Zui simply covered his ears with a blanket.

After a while, she realized something was wrong. She took away the blanket and looked at the wall: "Mom, when did we install air conditioning?"

Shi Daming and Zhang Hui are so vicious that it is impossible to install air conditioning in the cabin.

"Who else can there be? Of course, Lu Sui. He asked people to install air conditioners on the second day of your marriage. You didn't see Zhang Hui's expression at that time. You dare to be angry but dare not speak." Jiang Xin said with a smile: "drunk, listen to me. Lu Sui is really good to us. Otherwise, he won't notice these details."

Shi Zui was stunned and finally nodded, "I know."

Sometimes, Lu Sui's existence proves her incompetence. She can't protect her mother, but Lu Sui can.

After she married Lu Sui, Zhang Hui had to worry about Lu Sui before doing anything.

After that, Shi Zui stared at the ceiling and couldn't sleep.

Mingming didn't have a good rest last night. Then she went to the dinner party. She was sleepy and tired, but she still didn't feel sleepy.

Just as she was thinking, there was a knock on the door outside, followed by Lu Sui's voice outside the door: "Mom, can you give me back my drunkenness?"

Shi zuixiu listened really. She looked at Jiang Xin and found that Jiang Xin woke up and was looking at her.

Shi Zui quickly shook his head at Jiang Xin and motioned Jiang Xin not to speak.

Who knows, Lu Sui continued to knock on the door: "drunk, you sleep with me, I recognize the bed!"

Shi zuizui just wants to cover Lu Sui's loud voice. He thinks bed is his business, and she is not a bed!

Jiang Xin said to Shi drunk, "daughter, you go with Lu. If you don't go, I don't want to sleep tonight."

Shi Zui jumped out of bed and angrily opened the door: "you think bed is your business. Do I look like bed?!"

What kind of world! Lu Suiming knew that Jiang Xin would not refuse him, so he put pressure on Jiang Xin. This man is extremely evil!

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