Lu Wan was stunned and frowned: "I don't know."

She is just a passer-by who has lived in the Lu family for some time. No one cares about her coming and going. Maybe she can't call Lu Sui's brother anymore.

"He's really stupid and doesn't deserve to be forgiven!" Shi drunkenly snorted: "I won't forgive him if I've been cold and violent by him for so many years!"

She shouldn't mention Lu Wan's sadness again.

Lou Qin can live heartlessly because her life is very simple. Even if she was an orphan, she grew up in a loving environment.

But Lu Wan is different.

She grew up in the environment of the Lu family. There are brothers and parents. All the people she thinks are closest have tortured her in the same way for more than 20 years.

Lu Wan didn't go bad. It was her pure nature. It was the luckiest thing.

"Are you willing? Don't think I don't know. You're just hard spoken and soft hearted. Even if you're separated from him, you still can't forget him." Lu Wan broke Shi Zui's heart.

Shi was drunk and silent.

She is not an affectionate woman. Since Lu Sui has given up her, she will not covet her face for compound. It's enough for her to do that once in her life. At least she won't regret it in the future.

If you ask her if she still has Lu Sui in her heart, it must be a little.

Lu Sui's existence is too special. The most pain in her life is inseparable from him, and the most happiness in her life is also closely related to him. How could she forget such a person completely?

So she can't refute Lu Wan.

"Since we are separated, we shouldn't think about him anymore." Shi Zui muttered to himself.

At most, I put that person in the most secret corner of my heart and won't expect him any more.

She is very optimistic. Even if she still thinks of Lu Sui today, it doesn't mean that she will continue to think of him tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

"I'm more amorous than you." Lu Wan chuckled.

She can hardly think of Nie Zhiyuan now. Whether Nie Zhiyuan signs a divorce with her or not, she doesn't care much.

She only thought the marriage was a real divorce. At present, she is a free person.

Therefore, drunk is more affectionate and more affectionate than her. At least, drunk has only loved one person in her life, but she has loved two.

Because it was still early, they talked about their worries and simply went to the bar.

When they got out of the bar, both of them were a little drunk.

There are many men who look at their beauty in the bar, but because of their special identity, they dare not come forward to chat up.

They were deterred by the identity of the owner of the drunken clan hall.

They found a substitute driver. When they got on the bus, Shi Zui was still joking: "tomorrow, there must be another news exposure that we are frustrated and drunk in the middle of the night..."

Lu Wan is also a well-known national goddess. She was photographed drinking in a bar. Hasn't she been written by the paparazzi as self indulgent?

Lu Wan didn't answer and leaned softly on Shi zuizu's shoulder.

Shi looked at her drunk. The woman's beautiful eyes were slightly closed and her face was slightly drunk. She was very good-looking.

She chuckled: "I dare to drink in the bar with such a drinking capacity. Fortunately, I cover you..."

Just before leaving the bar, Lu Wan begged her for children. She said that she had too many children and she could help raise one, which clearly wanted to divide her children.

The woman didn't think about it. She could only have so two in her life. Lu Wan could have many more if she wanted to have them in the future. She was reluctant to give her baby children to Lu Wan.

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