Shi Zui heard his name vaguely and answered vaguely.

Wen Tianhao smiled when he saw her drunken Stupidity: "usually she looks very capable. When she is drunk, she is no different from ordinary children. My daughter seems to be independent and self-improvement. In fact, it is just a superficial phenomenon."

The daughter who has been separated from him for more than 20 years has suffered a lot. It is precisely because of those hardships that she has become what she is today.

Lu Sui didn't know what to say. He chose silence.

"No, you take her upstairs to have a rest and ask Xiaoqin to take a bath for her later."

Lou Qin, who was hiding upstairs eavesdropping, felt this truth when he heard this.

Lu Sui was a gentleman. He didn't take advantage of Shi when she was drunk and asleep. He didn't even go too far.

Originally, the two women left her to play. She was very unhappy. Zheng Yong took her to the hotel. She ran away halfway. I really don't understand why Zheng Yong announced her identity on that occasion tonight.

She doesn't like being noticed at all.

As soon as she returned to Wen's house, she found that Lu Wan and Shi Zui didn't go home, and no one answered their mobile phones.

It happened that Lu Sui specially came to see the two children. Knowing that neither of them came back, he said to wait until Lu Wan came home.

Although Lu Sui only mentioned Lu Wan, she knew that Shi Zui was the one Lu Sui was worried about.

So, when the taxi driver sent them back, she didn't show up and gave Lu Sui a chance to perform.

When Lu Sui carried Shi Zui upstairs, she also hid wisely.

Lu Sui didn't understand her pains. After returning Shi Zui to his room, he came to her and asked her to help clean Shi Zui.

Lou Qin really can't help it.

She said in her heart that she had given Lu Sui a chance, but he didn't know how to grasp it. It seems that she really didn't have the idea of compounding with Shi Zui.

Today, Lu Sui suddenly came to see the twins. She thought Lu Sui was in the name of two children. The real visitor was Shi zuixiu. She thought too much.

"Lu Sui, wait a minute and I'll take you out." Lou Qin simply ignored Shi Zui, the dirty ghost.

Lu Sui knew Lou Qin had something to say to himself, so he agreed.

When they left the living room one after another, Lou Qin said bluntly, "I won't detour any more. Zui Zui is the person I care about most. Whether it's because she and I are friends or because she and I are Xiaotiantian's mother, Zui Zui is the person I care about most in the world. I asked you, do you have any plans to get back together with Zui Zui?"

She wanted to ask Lu Xinli if she was drunk. It would be more direct to ask compound directly.

Lu Sui didn't make a sound. He just looked at the darkness ahead, as if there was something worth his attention.

Lou Qin waited patiently for a while, a little impatient: "you give me a word!"

"No," Lu Sui said after a while.

Lou Qin wanted to look for signs of lying on his face. Maybe he was too good at Taoism, or maybe he really didn't think about drunkenness. Finally, she couldn't see anything.

"Well, I see," Lou Qin replied.

Since Lu Sui has no intention, Shi Zui can't expect Lu Sui again in the future. With Shi's drunken conditions, are you afraid you can't find a good man?

Nevertheless, the more she wanted to be angry, she rushed back to Lu Sui and said angrily, "you'll regret missing her all your life. Don't ask her to get back together with you in the future!"

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