Shi Zui became more and more annoyed. Finally, he simply didn't want to.

When she got off work, Chu xiuzhan came again and said she was going to pick her up from work.

She got into his car and looked out of the window.

Chu xiuzhan saw her sulking and smiled: "you're so unhappy to marry me?"

Shi Zui nodded truthfully, "I'm not happy. You said you wanted me to repay you for saving your life. My mother said you were the right person with me. Everyone knows the news of my marriage to you, and everyone congratulates me."

No one cares what she thinks, and no one cares whether she is willing to accept a loveless marriage.

What is the picture of life? Do you live to meet everyone's wishes and expectations?

"Since everyone thinks it's the most normal choice for you to marry me, why don't you try?" Chu xiuzhan gently hooked his lips.

"Isn't it suitable to divorce again after trying?" Shi Zui sneered.

"How do you know it's not suitable without trying? Just like you and Lu Sui, they said they loved you all these years, but finally he let go of you. If you and Lu Sui are suitable, why do they separate again and again? Maybe you don't even know what's best for you." Chu xiuzhan talked freely.

Shi zuizui found for the first time that Chu xiuzhan's eloquence was so good.

In the past, he was always reluctant to talk with her, and he was very dull in his words and deeds. He would not please her.

She thought he was a piece of wood that didn't understand interest, but he was a famous big entrepreneur in the country. At the critical moment, eloquence is very good.

"I just know that marrying you is by no means the best choice." Shi Zui said, "it's boring to talk to you, but I can't tell you."

Her big truth made Chu Xiu stack sink and smile: "because I'm the reasonable party, of course you can't say it."

"OK, you're the best, all right?" Shi Zui simply nestled in the corner of the car.

Chu xiuzhan just smiled. Looking at her sitting, she thought she was still a child who didn't grow up and had a virtue with Xiaotiantian.

But she is also very cute.

Chu xiuzhan took Shi Zui out to eat, bought her a small gift and a Barbie doll for Xiaotiantian.

"How do you know she likes Barbie dolls? By the way, why don't you buy gifts for catfish?" when she got home, Shi Zui asked two questions in a row.

Chu xiuzhan replied truthfully, "I have a way to know what I want to know. I want to buy Xiaotiantian's heart. Of course, I have to give her a good heart. As for the little catfish, he's not a problem."

"Look, you're really good at calculation." Shi Zui couldn't help laughing.

Originally, she was quite angry, but Chu xiuzhan never lied in front of her, which was the most reassuring thing for her.

Sometimes she felt that perhaps because of his honesty, she could not be angry with him.

"Isn't it more beautiful to laugh? He keeps a straight face all day, like an old woman." Chu xiuzhan fondles Shi's drunken head.

Shi Zui didn't avoid it this time. She felt that Chu xiuzhan was like a brother to her, and he probably spoiled her as a sister.

"Isn't it better for us to be brothers and sisters?"

As soon as Shi Zui was drunk, Chu xiuzhan immediately put on a face: "I don't lack my sister!"

This is his daughter-in-law who has invested for many years. How can he become a sister?

"Your feelings for me are not between men and women. Why do you have to marry me home to hang? I can tell you, even if I marry you, I won't be husband and wife with you!" Shi Zui put down his cruel words.

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