Shi zuixiu is sure that he is not a person with dedication, and he doesn't want to combine with a man and form a family because of interests.

If she can't be with the person she likes, she might as well die alone.

Chu xiuzhan is stubborn. She is also stubborn. She won't do what she doesn't want to do.

"Don't think I don't know what's going on in your head. You don't think the rise and fall of the city has anything to do with you. Anyway, Wen Tingting is the successor of the Wen family, right?"

Chu xiuzhan saw through Shi Zui's mind.

It's not that he has mind reading skills, but Shi zuixiu. This woman is not complicated. She understands very well. Plus they have known each other for many years, they naturally know her temperament.

"You know, anyway, I won't pay for the rest of my life for the family business. It's no use if you are good at calculation." Shi Zui replied decisively, letting Chu xiuzhan see her determination.

Chu xiuzhan looked at her with a smile, meaning unknown.

Shi Zui was annoyed by him: "what's your expression? Do you think I'm joking?"

Chu xiuzhan just touched her head when she was a child.

"I came to you specially to give you a suggestion. As for whether you will marry me, that's another matter." Chu xiuzhan looked at his watch. It was almost fifteen minutes.

He knew that drunkenness valued emotion and righteousness, which was her strength and weakness.

She can't watch the literati go bankrupt without doing anything. Next, wait and see.

He got up to leave and asked Shi Zui to see him off.

Shi Zui didn't want to send it at all. Finally, he didn't want to offend him and put him in the car.

Chu xiuzhan drove away. Shi Zui called Yao Lijun and asked how much capital the city transportation needed.

Yao Lijun's answer was ambiguous and did not say specific figures. But according to the meaning of Yao Lijun's words, the lack of funds is within the sky high price range.

She was afraid that it was the murderer behind Jiang Xin's death who wanted to buy the urban transportation group behind her back, because she was right in time.

The situation of the urban transportation group is getting worse and worse, but Chu xiuzhan is complacent.

He is such a low-key person that he is interviewed by media reporters again.

After talking about business, the reporter interviewed Chu xiuzhan's private affairs. Naturally, it was a rumor about his marriage.

"It will take some time, and we will probably get married within this year..."

Once the interview video of Chu xiuzhan was broadcast, everyone thought it was because of the accident of the Wen family and the marriage of Chu Wen family.

Only Shi zuixiu knew that Chu xiuzhan didn't want to put pressure on her, so he gave her time and space to think about it again.

She knew it was no use worrying.

In fact, the accident of the writer had nothing to do with her. It was also true that she couldn't help the writer.

Her marriage recognition is also a recent thing. Why should she pay for the rest of her life?

But man is such a sentimental animal. She had just returned home at the beginning of the year. At that time, she had not made an acquaintance with the Wen family, and she had no contact with the Wen family. Now, because of the city transportation accident, she is also thinking about her relatives.

That night she and Lu Wan talked about it.

"Is it unfilial that I had the opportunity to save the urban transportation group but didn't do it?" she asked herself this question more than once.

"If I were you, I don't know what to do." Lu Wan once wanted to say. Maybe she could go to Lu Sui to ask.

Maybe Lu Sui can help.

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