In the end, reason prevailed over compassion. Lou Qin felt that people like Zheng Yong had received enough and did not need her sympathy.

"I still want to live in Ancheng. Zui Zui will get married soon. I have to attend her wedding. I'm not used to it without Xiaotiantian."

Zheng Yong heard Lou Qin's last sentence and said to himself that this woman would really add drama to herself.

Just the heartless child of Xiaotiantian. There are so many people who love her. Is there still a lack of Louqin?

His heart was very crazy, but his expression was as usual, and even smiled: "do you think Zui and Chu xiuzhan's wedding can be completed?"

In his opinion, as long as the wedding between Shi Zui and Chu xiuzhan has not been held, it may not be possible.

"Should be able to?" Lou Qin was not sure.

Chu Xiu's Inn is excellent. He is also persistent about drunkenness, and there are no bad rumors.

Therefore, the success rate of Chu Xiu's marriage to Zui is still very high.

"Things are changeable. Who knows what will happen in the future?"

What Zheng Yong didn't say is that as long as Lu Sui still has Shi Zui in her heart, she is unlikely to see her marry someone else and do nothing.

After that, Zheng Yong tried to "communicate" with Lou Qin. After all, Lou Qin still didn't want to go to Bincheng.

Facing Lou Qin, he didn't even have a reason to be angry.

Finally, he can only ask for help. Shi Zui is drunk and hopes that she can help him.

"You'd better tell her yourself. She doesn't take this marriage seriously, nor does she treat you as a man. You're called - cocooning yourself." Shi Zui said with a faint smile.

"I'm asking you for help, not listening to you. In a word, will you help or not?" Zheng Yong was impatient.

"Deal with your own feelings. Although you have a crush on Xiaoqin for many years, you haven't paid attention to her since you married her. My view is that if you have a heart for her, she can feel it. If she doesn't feel your good, it's because you don't do well enough. You only think that she can respond to your feelings, but in fact, she doesn't feel that you like her at all."

Therefore, Zheng Yong should find problems in himself.

Zheng Yong was speechless by Shi Zui.

Because this woman's words make sense. He just wanted to return, but he didn't pay. Lou Qin couldn't feel his sincerity. How could he give him his sincerity?

"I know you've been busy dealing with the frontier fortress recently and don't have time to take care of Xiaoqin. Since you can't find a balance between your two ends, you'd better take care of Huanyu Group first. Xiaoqin will be fine with me." Shi zuizu offered to step down Zheng Yong.

Zheng Yong lamented that he was inferior.

He looked far from drunk.

"Drunk, please." he sincerely thanked.

"She is my child's adoptive mother and the closest person. I should take care of her."

After Shi Zui said that he wanted to hang up, Zheng Yong suddenly changed the topic: "do you really want to marry Chu xiuzhan?"

"The wedding date has been set. If you can spare time, you are welcome to my wedding." Shi Zui said, thinking of Lu Sui.

As for Lu Sui, she won't invite him to drink wedding wine.

They agreed that if they had a new love and wanted to get married, they would not invite each other to drink wedding wine.

"Why are you so stupid? You don't like Chu Xiu's Inn. What do you want from him? Money?!" Zheng Yong wanted to ask, what should Lu Sui do if she married?

The three most important people in Lu Sui's life are Shi Zui. Shi Zui's remarriage is tantamount to Lu Sui's death sentence.

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