Seeing the moment when Shi was drunk, Shi Shi showed a meaningful smile: "I haven't seen my sister for a while, and my sister is beautiful again!"

Yes, it's beautiful again. It's so beautiful that she's jealous.

Shi zuizu has something she will never have, that is Qi field.

This woman is not only equal to her in appearance, but also has a unique temperament, which is unforgettable at first sight.

Having everything makes people jealous.

"Although you are only a little worse than me, don't be too low self-esteem." Shi zuixi smiled and followed Shi Shi's praise.

Shi Mei's eyes half narrowed and smiled without anger: "I'm still as arrogant as I am now."

Too conceited to like.

"I have conceited capital!" Shi was drunk, raised his chin lightly, glanced at Shi, and bent over to get on the bus.

She was about to close the door, but Shi Shi suddenly pulled the door: "I haven't finished talking. What's the hurry to leave?"

Shi zuixiu saw that Shi Shi had something to say, but she was no longer interested in listening. As soon as she tried hard, she took the door.

Because of her sudden exertion, Shi Shi was dragged forward two steps and almost fell to the ground.

If she hadn't let go in time, she would have been dragged several meters away by Shi Zui's car.

Shi Zui's car was as arrogant and domineering as her people. Watching the woman's car disappear into the street, Shi slowly dialed Shi Zui's mobile phone.

Shi Zui didn't answer the phone for a long time. She was not in a hurry and waited patiently for her to answer.

About half an hour later, Shi Zui finally pressed the answer button.

"Are you getting married soon? I'm going to give my sister an unforgettable wedding gift." Shi Shi smiled brightly.

Shi got out of the car drunk and replied in a low voice, "you called for half an hour just to say this?"

"It's no small matter. I've been married twice in my life. The first time you and Lu Sui got married, I didn't give a wedding gift, which became a regret in my life. Now I have the opportunity to make up for this regret, how can I miss it?" Shi Shi smiled deeply: "did I tell my sister that if it's something I can't get myself, I'll find a chance to destroy it."

Shi Zui slowed down and heard something out of Shi Shi's call.

How many things can you give that you can't get? What did she say she was going to destroy?

"Do you think you will be lucky enough to marry Chu xiuzhan? In my opinion, not necessarily. I specially calculated my life for my sister and asked the fortune teller to see her face. The man said that my sister is a lonely star of the heavenly ghost and is destined to die alone in this life." Shi Shi talked freely.

"You said you would give me a wedding gift later, and said I couldn't get married. Don't you think you're self contradictory?" Shi Zui inquired into Shi Shi's intention without trace.

Shi Shi must have some sinister moves to deal with her. Listen to Shi Shi, do you want her wedding with Chu xiuzhan to blow up?

"Even if I give gifts, my sister may not be able to get married. It's not contradictory. Enjoy being a bride to be, or I'm afraid I won't feel like this in the future."

With that, Shi Shi hung up the phone and finally solved his previous resentment.

Lu Wan saw the whole process of Shi changing her face.

It's disgusting that this woman looks the same for a while.

Xiao Dong met Lu Wan and immediately came forward.

"Don't stare at me in the future, stare at Shi Shi's woman more. I don't know if she's going to do something cruel and unreasonable." Lu Wan whispered to Xiao Dong.

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