"You mean everyone can't contact him?" Lu Wan was more nervous.

She thought that as long as she found Xiao Zhe, she could find Lu Sui. It turned out that she thought too much.

"I can only wait until President Lu takes the initiative to contact. Is something wrong?" Xiao Zhe is also a little uneasy.

"It's all right. I'll call him and ask him. Xiao Zhu, if you have any news about him, let me know at the first time. Please." Lu Wan didn't say much, so she hung up.

Because no one knew Lu Sui's whereabouts and couldn't contact him, Lu Wan couldn't concentrate on her office. She simply asked the director for leave and left the set.

After Lu Wan left the river, she drove absently. When she calmed down, she found that she had come outside Shi Zui's office building.

She got out of the car and went into the building.

Xiaowu was surprised and delighted to see Lu Wan coming. She immediately reported to Shi zuizui.

"Why are you here?" Shi Zui was surprised to see Lu Wan at first.

This woman is going to shoot on location today. Unexpectedly, she still runs to her side to knock on the door.

"I'm not in good condition. I asked the director for leave, but I found I had nowhere to go. I stopped by to see you." Lu Wan sat down on the sofa.

She doesn't know whether to express her concerns or not?

After all, Shi Zui is getting married. It seems not good to be distracted by Lu Sui at this time.

And Lu Sui just lost contact. Maybe his cell phone will be connected tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

"Then you just wait. I'll go home with you after I'm busy." Shi Zui buried himself in his work.

She was only busy for half an hour when she received a phone call. It was Lu Sui.

Today, she was still worried about Lu Sui. Lu Sui took the initiative to call her, which surprised her a little.

"How are the children?" Lu Suiyi said, just two children.

"Very good. By the way, where are you?" Shi Zui was worried about whether to call Lu Sui.

Since Lu Sui called, she took the initiative to ask about his whereabouts and could find him when she wanted to find him.

"In Europe, it will take about half a month to return home. If Xiaotiantian asks me, just tell me the truth." Lu Sui's voice is noisy and noisy.

"Why don't you tell her yourself?" asked her to convey it?

"I'm afraid my daughter will talk." Lu Sui seems to think it's too noisy: "I can't hear my voice clearly. Hang up first. You're busy."

Lu Sui hung up the phone without waiting for Shi Zui to answer the phone again.

Shi Zui didn't have time to tell him what she wanted to tell him to be careful, but he didn't give her a chance to speak.

"Is it Lu Sui?" Lu Wan was worried about Lu Sui's safety. At first sight, she was surprised and happy to see Shi Zui answer the phone.

"Yes, why are you so happy?" Shi Zui thought Lu Wan's expression was too subtle.

I looked worried before. I changed my expression in the blink of an eye.

"Does he want you not to marry Chu xiuzhan?" Lu Wan avoided Shi zuixiu's question.

Since Lu suineng took the initiative to contact Shi zuizui, it proves that he has not lost contact. As long as he hasn't lost contact, should she think too much?

"No." Shi zuixi suddenly remembered that Lu Suilin came to look for her when he went abroad.

Strange to say, he came to see her before his business trip.

This time abroad, I also took the initiative to contact her, which has never happened in recent time.

"In my opinion, he just can't forget you. He doesn't want you to marry Chu xiuzhan. He loves face and can't say it, so he specially called you to let you think about him more..."

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