"I'll stay here for the next ten days. Maybe I can't return home. I just saw this familiar place and thought of you, so I'll call you by video phone." Lu Sui asked, "do you remember here?"

That day was also a sunny day. She met him in a foreign street.

"Of course. By the way, Xiaotiantian said she wanted a Barbie doll. When you return home, buy her another one." Shi Zui smiled.

"What about you? What gift do you want?" Lu Sui asked her instead.

Shi Zui didn't expect that he still remembered to buy her a gift. She remembered the jewelry gun he gave her that year, because she liked it very much and because it was unique.

"If there is a Bullet Pendant Necklace, you can buy it for me. If not, forget it." Shi was intoxicated.

Bullets and guns are a pair. They are indispensable. If they are such gifts, she should like them.

"OK, I'll buy it for you when I see it." Lu Sui said, trying to hang up the video.

Shi Zui stopped him in time: "you should be careful abroad!"

"You too. Tell the children I love them very much. Zui Zui, goodbye." Lu Sui said, and then focused on watching Shi Zui Zui for a while before cutting off the video.

Shi zuizhuang sat at his desk and didn't calm down for a while.

Since she knows Lu Sui's address, why doesn't she simply send some people to protect Lu Sui?

Speaking of it, she was still worried that Lu Sui was abroad alone, not even Xiao Zhe. She didn't know what to do if there was an emergency.

After figuring this out, she asked Xiaowu to send some skilled security personnel to protect Lu Sui.

"Why does the owner want to land with you?" the little dance was a little dull.

I'm getting married. I even secretly sent someone to protect Lu Sui. If a man can't even protect himself, what's the use of such a man coming?

"I'm just worried about his safety." Shi was too drunk to explain and drove Xiaowu out of the office.

As soon as the noisy dance left, the office became quiet.

The sun came in through the curtains and sprinkled a small piece of bright sun. Under the refraction of the sun, there are faint dust floating, both quiet and lively.

She sat quietly, as if she were thinking, but she didn't seem to think of anything.

When she calmed down, more than half the time passed.

After work, the road was very crowded. I heard that there was a car accident ahead. A lot of people hurried home and cursed impatiently. There seemed to be a smell of anxiety in the air. Only she sat quietly, not anxious or dry.

He Zhijing has been drunk with Shi for a long time. His car keeps pace with hers, but the woman has something on her mind and doesn't find him at all.

If there were bad people following her, she would have been abducted by people with intentions.

No wonder someone was worried and asked him to come to Ancheng to protect her closely.

After staying for about ten minutes, Shi zuixi didn't find him yet. He had to take the initiative to give her a hint.

When Shi zuizui heard the car whistle nearby, he turned his eyes. When he Zhijing's face appeared in her eyes, she opened her eyes in surprise.

Because of the traffic jam, they simply found a place to eat and planned to eat before leaving.

"What were you thinking just now, so absorbed? Were you thinking about men?" he Zhijing joked.

Shi Zui gently scolded: "no shape."

In fact, she didn't think about anything. She was just in a daze.

"To tell you the truth, which man was thinking just now? Is it me?" he Zhijing continued to joke.

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