Shi Zui glanced at the corners of his lips and disagreed: "but everyone knows that Lu Sui is very playful. He has a lot of lace news. He also plays with many women, and there are many women he likes..."

"Where on earth did you hear the false news?" Tao Xiangyang interrupted Shi Zui.

"From the Internet, of course, and..." Shi Zui's voice faded away.

Also, it seems that Lu Suihua's heart is an established fact.

"All the news on the Internet is false. Lu Sui has never drawn a line with women outside and has never made any peach transactions. He is not like us. He is clean. Believe me, Lu Sui is definitely not a playful man. Moreover, he has a obsession with you."

Tao Xiangyang suddenly wants to understand a truth. The reason why Lu Sui doesn't get close to any woman over the years may be to keep himself drunk.

But Shi Zui seems to have some misunderstanding about Lu Sui.

Shi Zui was silent. She still felt at a loss. It seemed that a voice in her mind kept telling her that Lu Sui was very naughty and not worth it

Lu Sui successively asked several doctors to give Shi zuizui a pregnancy test. The results were the same. Shi zuizui was not pregnant at all. On the contrary, husband and wife live too frequently, their faces are very poor, and they need a good rest.

Shi Zui was rudely dragged out of the hospital by Lu Sui.

Shi Zui sneered in his heart. That's the difference. When I thought she was pregnant, I took her. Make sure she's not pregnant. Lu follows her.

This man's face changes so fast!

"Why did you mislead me that you were pregnant?" Lu Suiyi asked Shi Zui as soon as he got on the bus.

Shi Zui looked at Tao Xiangyang: "Tao Xiangyang, you say a fair word."

Tao Xiangyang nodded: "Lu Sui, drunk said before coming to the hospital that she was not pregnant..."

Lu Sui stared at Shi Zui's stomach. It seemed that one more sprouting treasure could come out with more eyes.

"You are still young. You don't need to have a baby so soon. You should have a full world of two first." Tao Xiangyang advised.

Why is Lu Sui so reluctant? He is still so young. If he has a child, he will have to be tied by the child in the future. It's inconvenient to go anywhere.

"Yes, it hurts to have children, and it's tired to take care of them." Shi Zui agreed.

Lu Sui seems to want children more than she does. It's weird!

"You all shut up!" Lu suishen shouted.

Seeing Lu Sui's black face, Shi Zui and Tao Xiangyang had a tacit understanding and calmed down.

Tao Xiangyang simply went home with Lu Sui because he wanted to discuss business with Lu Sui.

Two big men went into the study to discuss business. An hour later, they finally finished talking. Tao Xiangyang asked Lu Sui a personal question: "do you want children so much?"

Knowing that Shi Zui was not pregnant, Lu Sui's face was very ugly.

"You don't understand." Lu Sui didn't want to talk about personal problems.

"You say, I'll understand. By the way, you don't want to tie the drunk with your children, ha ha..." when talking about this possibility, Tao Xiangyang burst out laughing and thought it couldn't be a stupid thing Lu suihui did.

Lu Sui looked at Tao Xiangyang coldly: "don't you roll?!"

Tao Xiangyang touched his nose: "the child is very annoying. I advise you to think about it again. By the way, if you are pregnant with a child, you can't live with drunk husband and wife again. Can you help it?"

Lu Sui Mou's color sank. This is really a big problem.

Tao Xiangyang saw Lu Sui's expression and knew that Lu Sui cared very much. After all, it's hard for a man who can't have a husband and wife life for a year?

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