Shi zuizui and Dong Qi looked back at the same time. Lu stood not far away in his home clothes. The appearance of Yushu Linfeng was particularly pleasing to the eye.

Perhaps it is because of his good appearance that he attracted Dong Qi?

At this moment, Shi Zui doesn't like Lu Sui at all.

The three women in the room were all moved by the muddy ball surnamed Lu. Even she could not escape. They all vomited when they thought about it.

"You can't eat what you've done." Shi jiuzui replied coldly, jumped off the sofa and hurried upstairs.

Lu Sui twisted his eyebrows and followed Shi Zui upstairs.

Dong Qi also wanted to follow upstairs. Wang Yan, who had been silent, suddenly said, "the young master and the young lady are uncomfortable. What fun do you have with an outsider?"

Dong Qi turned her eyes to Wang Yan. Wang Yan wanted to smile and looked at her: "do you think they quarreled and you have a chance to take advantage of it? Miss Dong has admired the young master for so many years and hasn't seen a fact clearly?"

"What do you want to say?" Dong Qi asked coldly.

"The young master can't see you in his life, because you are too hypocritical. And the young master happens to have a pair of flaming Venus. He sees through your hypocrisy!" Wang Yan whispered and turned into the kitchen.

Dong Qi chased after him: "if I don't have a chance, do you have a chance? I really like Lu Sui. I like him for more than ten years. Is it wrong to like a person? Unlike some people, I like it clearly, but pretend to be noble..."

"I'm not like some people. I know it's a good friend's husband, but I still want to make trouble and destroy it. I boo my good friend and ask for warmth, but actually I'm doing women's watch!" Wang Yan sneered with cold lips.

Dong Qi's face changed dramatically, only because Wang Yan's words poked her pain.

Lu Sui is Shi Zui's husband, and Shi Zui is her best friend. She knew this, but she still couldn't resist Lu Sui's temptation and wanted to get close to him and get him.

Wang Yan ignored Dong Qi and turned away.

Dong Qi stood still, at a loss. Soon she recovered and looked at the direction Wang Yan left. She knows that Wang Yan is not a simple woman.

Wang Yan obviously likes Lu Sui, but she still bears it. It's just that she has another ulterior purpose. In this case, Wang Yan will never destroy her good deeds.

At this point, she can't look back. She must find a way to break up Lu Suihe and Shi Zui.

On the other side, Lu Sui and Shi got drunk into the bedroom and saw her sitting on the sofa. She didn't look like a woman: "you're a woman. Can you look like a woman?"

Shi Zui lifted his eyelids slightly, and Yu Guang swept to Lu Sui: "I really don't have a woman. Yes, why did you agree so readily when I married you? Don't you know many women and many people throw themselves into your arms. Since you like charming women, why do you register with me?"

At first she just thought she had caught a life-saving straw, but now she thinks it's a little strange.

Lu Sui has such a terrible woman fate. It seems that as long as he is a woman, he will be confused by his face. In that case, even if he wants to fake marriage, there is no need to mix with her.

In recent years, she has little contact with Lu Sui, and they don't seem to have much friendship. This fact is a little strange.

"Didn't you say that it's better to be cooked than raw. I don't have to worry about being entangled by you when I register with you." Lu Sui sat down beside Shi Zui and put his long arm on her shoulder.

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