Just between the lightning and the flames, Shi Zui consciously collided with Lu Sui, who accidentally hit Dong Qi.

In this way, Dong Qi was pushed downstairs by Lu sui

With Dong Qi's scream, Dong Qi rolled all the way down from the second floor and didn't stop the decline until the first floor.

Lu Sui's reaction slowed down for half a beat. He looked at Dong Qi who was moaning more than once, but behind him came Shi Zui's questioning voice: "Lu Sui, how much do you hate Qi Qi and actually push her downstairs?"

Lu Sui looked back at Shi Zui when he heard the sound: "I didn't push her."

It is clear that Shi Zui bumped into him. He passively bumped into Dong Qi, who rolled down from the second floor.

"Did she roll down by herself?! Lu Sui, if she wants to make a mistake, I'll call the police!" Shi drunken villain complained first and took a bad breath in her heart.

Lu Sui and Dong Qi are not good things. Count them all this time. Even God is helping her.

"Drunk, I really didn't hit her. She didn't stand firm and fell downstairs." Lu Sui tasted what it was like this time. "A mute eats yellow lotus. I can't tell how bitter it is."

Shi Zui went downstairs. She stood in front of Dong Qi and said, "Qiqi, are you okay?"

Dong Qi's whole body hurts. She obviously wants to push Shi down the stairs drunk, but she doesn't know why, but she fell down herself. She burst into tears with pain: "drunk, did I break my hand?"

Shi Zui touched Dong Qi's right hand: "this hand?"

Dong Qigang wanted to nod. Shi Zui suddenly exerted force on her injured part. She screamed in pain: "pain..."

Shi Zui pinched two more on it and whispered, "it's not broken. Don't worry."

It's a good life. You didn't break your hand when you fell like this? Thinking of this, she "touched" several more on Dong Qi's injured leg, which made Dong Qi scream repeatedly.

"My legs are fine, but I've strained my muscles. I need to take good care of them for a few days."

Shi Zui turned back and kicked Lu Sui: "did you push Qiqi downstairs without even apologizing?"

Dong Qi was stunned when she heard this. She couldn't believe looking at Lu Sui. She didn't expect him to be so cruel.

Lu Sui's doing this will hurt her more than stabbing her with a knife.

Shi Zui, seeing Dong Qi in pain, added fuel to the fire: "Lu Sui, you can't deny it. I saw you push Qi downstairs with my own eyes. You're intentional murder. I can sue you!"

She turned to look at Dong Qi: "Qiqi, Lu Sui pushes you downstairs. You can sue him into the police station and let him eat in prison!"

Dong Qi wiped away her tears and choked back: "I, I'm fine. I believe Lu Sui didn't mean it."

"He clearly meant it. I can see it clearly!" Shi Chui sneered.

How much does Dong Qi love Lu Sui? After knowing that Lu had poisoned her, he was reluctant to blame him? It's really affectionate and tireless. She's disgusting!

"Just protect him, so he will only make it worse." Shi got up drunk and said to Lu Sui, "you made the trouble. Qiqi didn't hurt her muscles and bones, but she strained her muscles. You should take good care of her these days. Qiqi will be taken care of by you tonight."

She sent them to a heap to give them a chance to cultivate adultery. Should they be grateful?

"Shi Zui, are you sick?" Lu Sui thought Shi Zui was out of his mind.

Let him take care of Dong Qi? Is this woman not afraid that Dong Qi will take her husband away? She doesn't know such a simple thing?

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