Finally, Ding Lun's company won. However, wentingting did not lose, because the urban transportation group was another successful bidder.

As soon as the result came out, a sneer appeared on Ding Lun's lips.

Maybe it's all Providence.

God wants to arrange for him to be with Wen Tingting. He wanted to see with his own eyes how close Wen Tingting and Yang Jian were.

Wen Tingting doesn't know what Xiaojiu Ding Lun is playing. Although she thought Ding Lun was a good business competitor, she didn't expect that they would meet in the same project.

She pretended not to see Ding Lun and was about to leave with Yang Jian, but Ding Lun stopped her and smiled strangely: "wife, congratulations on winning."

Wen Tingting replied with a false smile: "Tongxi, you also won."

However, Ding Lun is asking his little lover to do it. Maybe Ding Lun is deliberately giving her a bully. After all, he didn't do it himself, but he still won the bid.

"In the future, our husband and wife will often work together. Are you happy?" Ding Lun took Ting Ting's shoulder and said with a smile.

Of course, Wen Tingting saw Ding Lun's fake smile. Although she didn't know what medicine Ding Lun sold in her gourd, she always had a way to break it down.

"How can I be unhappy? I'm happy to think about it from night to day." Wen Tingting said, looking back at Chen Xiaoyu's direction.

Chen Xiaoyu is listening to Wen Tingting and Ding Lun's phone. He doesn't find Wen Tingting looking back at himself.

What she cares about is, why is Ding Lun so close to Wen Tingting in front of her?

Didn't the man know that she would be sad to see them close?

At this moment, she was jealous that Wen Tingting could stand beside Ding Lun righteously, but she could only stand in a corner where she could not see the light.

Ding Lun didn't know Chen Xiaoyu's complex psychology at the moment. He tried his best to take Wen Tingting to his arms. "It's rare for our husband and wife to work together in the future. There's still a lot of time in the future. I'm looking forward to it."

He is very looking forward to catching the evidence of Wen Tingting's cheating. At that time, he will see how the woman will defend herself.

Thinking of this, he glanced at Yang Jian not far behind him.

Yang Jian's expression was still calm and there was nothing unusual.

I didn't see it before. Yang Jian was so calm. He did not expect that one day Yang Jian would become his rival in love.

No, he didn't expect that Yang Jian had the face to beat his wife.

In the eyes of outsiders, Ding Lun and Wen Tingting have excellent feelings. They have the same appearance and ability. Standing together is a man of talent and women. Such a suitable couple is rare in the world.

Ding Lun and Wen Tingting walked away from everyone's sight. Because they happened to be the winners of this bidding, their close appearance in everyone's vision naturally attracted everyone's onlookers.

Some good people took photos and sent them to the circle of friends.

For a time, the couple's enthusiasm also rose. Many netizens said that they began to believe in love again.

When Wen Tingting got on the bus, she looked back at the place where Yang Jian was. She said to Yang Jian, "get on the bus quickly and let's go back to the company together."

Yang Jian glanced at Ding Lun beside Wen Tingting and hesitated.

Ding Lun's previous words and deeds looked a little strange, as if he were demonstrating against him. Of course, it doesn't mean anything to him.

"What are you hesitating about? Hurry up." Wen Tingting urged impatiently.

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