This also shows that she has a greater and greater chance of being on the top.

To figure this out, Chen Xiaoyu worked very hard. When her colleagues saw that she was full of spring, they asked her what happy events she had.

She gave the same answer: "of course, I was happy because I won the bid yesterday."

Xiao Wu, sent by Shi Zui Zui, didn't think so when Wen Tingting heard this. Chen Xiaoyu smiles so coquettishly that he probably thinks he can replace Wen Tingting?

She reported the situation here to Xiaowu. Xiaowu told her that Chen Xiaoyu must be monitored, and there should be no trace. Chen Xiaoyu can't find anything wrong.

Xiao Wu promised one by one to work harder when monitoring Chen Xiaoyu.

Xiaowu reported Xiao Wu's information to Shi zuizui. After listening, Shi zuizui asked, "what's the reaction from Ding Lun?"

"Well... Xiao Wu didn't say. The servants stayed in the office for a long time without showing their faces. It's hard to know what's going on inside." Xiao Wu replied truthfully.

Shi Zui's eyes narrowed and stared at the dance.

Xiaowu's scalp was numb when she looked at her: "Hall master..."

"I thought you, as a member of the religious hall, knew how to monitor a person. It seems that I overestimated you." Shi Zui shook his head slightly.

Small dance is a provincial purpose. She immediately agreed: "I'll let Xiao Wu find a way to install a monitor in Ding Lun's office!"

She didn't want to do too well before, did she? Xiao Wu asked her, but she rejected it, because Shi Zui said he would do it without showing any trace.

"Let's do it." Shi Zui signaled that Xiaowu could go.

As soon as Xiao Wu left the office, he asked Xiao Wu to do it. Xiao Wu certainly can't do it during the day. He can only wait until night.

Xiao Wu deliberately delayed getting off work until the end of the day.

Although dinglun's office door was locked, she was a master at unlocking. It was not difficult for her to unlock.

She installed the monitor as fast as she could, and then reported to the dance.

Xiaowu praised her, but Shi zuizui didn't say anything, just let Xiao Wu keep an eye on her.

Shi Zui thought it was a good play before the Gong began.

I don't know if it's a coincidence that Wen Tingting and Ding Lun, who have never met in their work, have become partners. Although it is cooperation, if there are different ideas in work, it will always lead to collision.

She is worried about Wen Tingting. She often makes close contact with Ding Lun and Chen Xiaoyu. Who knows what conflict will happen next?


Lu Wan came back from shopping that day. She was about to enter Wen's house, but she found a suspicious car parked at the corner.

She once took this sports car. It's Lin Zhao's car. She can't be wrong.

She hesitated for a moment and went to the sports car.

Watching her approach, Lin Zhao rolled down the window and smiled innocuously at her: "it seems that you have an unforgettable old love for me. You found it when I came."

Lu Wan gently picked Xiumei: "you can call me if you have something."

Why sneak around and do peeping?

She didn't pay attention to the movement around before. Just now she accidentally glanced here and found that it was Lin Zhao.

"You may not like calling you." Lin Zhao's words confused Lu Wan.

According to her understanding of Lin Zhao, this man has always been selfish. After I divorced her, I never quit her life. Until Shi Shi came back, he suddenly disappeared.

Anyway, in her opinion, every time Lin Zhao appears, no good thing will happen.

"Just know, then don't call and don't appear again." Lu Wan said and left.

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