Lu Sui vetoed Shi Zui's proposal.

On the contrary, he felt that it should be allowed to develop freely.

If someone threw dirty water on him, something similar would happen in the future.

This may be the person behind it guiding the trend of public opinion.

He thought it was a good way to lead the snake out of the hole.

Of course, this is just his assumption. As for the specific truth, there will be a final conclusion in the future.

"OK, I don't care. Call me again if you have a problem." Shi Zui only said that Lu Sui wanted face and didn't think too much.

Soon after Lu Suicai hung up, Xiao zhe brought Luo Chun in.

"Mr. Lu, Miss Luo is here." Xiao zhe asked Luo chun to take a seat and left the office.

Lu Sui poured her a cup of tea. Luo Chun didn't answer: "I'll send the business plan. I have something to do later. You have a look first."

Lu Sui took over the business plan, looked it over carefully and said, "the details of the change are much better. I have no problem here."

"Just agree. This is the first contract I deal with. I made a military order that only success is allowed and no failure is allowed." Luo Chun said and got up. She remembered the online scandal about herself and Lu Sui: "do you need me to clarify the online scandal?"

"Those who are clear are clear. There's no need to kill one stone with one stone." Lu Sui replied in a light voice.

"Your girlfriend won't have any misunderstanding?" Luo Chun volunteered to mention Shi Zui.

Because she had dealt with Shi zuizui, she knew that Shi zuizui was black and white. Although she had no deep contacts, she believed that there was one less enemy, which would be good for her to take over the family business of the Luo family in the future.

"No, drunkenness is a sensible person and won't eat flying vinegar indiscriminately." Lu Sui replied in a light voice.

Luo Chun disagreed and replied before leaving, "maybe it's because she doesn't love you enough."

Lu Sui looked at Luo Chun's back and thought deeply. Shi Zui used to love him very much, but what happened later will also kill his love.

Luo Chun's words may have some truth

When Luo Chuncai returned to his office, Luo Zhen found it.

"Lu Sui didn't pick the wrong place this time, and the plan can pass." Luo Chun reported to Luo Zhen.

"That's it?" Luo Zhen frowned.

"Dad, what else do you want?" Luo Chun doesn't know why.

Luo Zhen showed a kind smile: "didn't you sit down with Lu Sui for tea and chat?"

Among this group of young talents, Lu Sui is the best. If he wants to find a son-in-law, Lu Sui is the first choice. The only trouble is that Lu Sui has a girlfriend, and it's not bad.

"I'm very busy. How can I have time? Dad, if there's nothing wrong, just go out." Luo Chun sat back at his desk.

Luo Zhen saw Luo Chunyi's business appearance and knew that his daughter didn't think about private affairs.

"You have dealt with Lu Sui twice. What do you think of him?" Luo Zhen tried without trace.

"Chengfu is very deep, difficult to get along with, and very hairy." Luo Chun said his impression of Lu Sui.

"Don't you think he's handsome?" Luo Zhen didn't dare to be harsh.

Why is her daughter different from other women?

"Yes, very handsome." Luo Chun replied truthfully.

It's not common for Lu Sui to be so beautiful. He must be handsome.

"Then you don't like it?" Luo Zhen didn't understand.

Luo Chun finally understood what was going on. She said helplessly, "do you think I've been reduced to the point of robbing other women's men?"

Lu Sui, no matter how handsome she is, is also a man with a Lord. She doesn't have the talent to be a junior.

In addition, Shi zuizui has seen her before. She is excellent and matches Lu Sui very well.

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