Thinking of these two people, Ding Lun was even worse. While he was breathing, someone knocked at the door and came in. It was Chen Xiaoyu.

"You've been smoking too much recently. You can't go on like this." Chen Xiaoyu came forward and said to Ding Lun.

Ding Lun glanced at her and continued smoking.

"You can tell me what's bothering you. Maybe I can help you solve it. Smoking can't solve the problem. It will only hurt your body. Haven't you found that you've lost a lot of weight recently?" Chen Xiaoyu came forward and took Ding Lun's cigarette in his mouth.

But the next moment, Ding Lun lit another cigarette and didn't listen to what she had just said.

No way, she tried to persuade again, but Ding Lun still went his own way and continued to smoke.

Chen Xiaoyu has to admit at this moment that Ding Lun has changed. Before she said a word, Ding Lun would listen to advice. Now dinglun ignored what she said.

This is the biggest difference.

What time has changed is not only the feelings between her and Ding Lun? It also changes a person's temperament.

She was a little depressed and left the office.

Zhang Min saw her expression and came forward to ask what happened. She said everything.

"He has really changed a lot." Zhang Min sighed softly.

Maybe Ding Lun is such a person in his bones? In the past, I didn't know much because I didn't have work contact with Ding Lun. Now I know that the boss is the boss and won't tell you how to make friends with your classmates.

As for whether Chen Xiaoyu can win Mrs. Ding's throne, suddenly she has no confidence. If Ding Lun obeys Chen Xiaoyu, there is a great opportunity. On the contrary, every step is difficult.

"He has a party tonight. Why don't we try?" Chen Xiaoyu's voice woke up Zhang Min's thoughts.

Zhang Min hesitated: "is it too urgent?"

Ding Lun is not stupid. If they make it too obvious, he is likely to find that they work together to design him behind his back.

"We should make sure that we don't show traces and don't make him suspicious. Don't worry, I'm measured and won't drag you into the water." Chen Xiaoyu knows Zhang Min's concerns, which are also her concerns.

She has even figured out a way out. At present, everything is ready. She only owes Dongfeng. Tonight is her chance.

Zhang Min saw Chen Xiaoyu insist and no longer advised.

They discussed the details again and decided to try it anyway in the evening.

Nine o'clock that night.

Dinglun hasn't been socializing for some days. Since he almost made mistakes last time, he has paid a lot of attention in this regard. Try not to participate in some meals. If you have to participate, try not to drink.

But this time it's different.

The customer is very talkative, but he is a good wine man.

Even if he insisted on not drinking, he finally had a few drinks under the lobbying of his customers.

Seeing this, Zhang Min took the initiative to block the wine for Ding Lun.

I didn't want to do this, but I didn't help. When the customer saw that Zhang Min had a good amount of wine, he became more interested and drank it completely.

Ding Lun brought two people to dinner that day, one is Zhang Min and the other is Chen Xiaoyu.

He can't let Chen Xiaoyu drink. However, the customer sees that he is different from Chen Xiaoyu, and makes a toast to Chen Xiaoyu when he catches a gap.

This time, he came to stop wine for Chen Xiaoyu.

He didn't want to drink. He drank a lot in the end.

At the end of the meal, Ding Lun walked unsteadily and was too drunk to be conscious.

Zhang Min and Chen Xiaoyu look at each other and know that now is a good time.

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