After watching the film, Yang Jian sent Zhang Min back to her residence.

Before getting off the bus, Zhang Min suddenly asked, "you don't have a girlfriend, do you?"

Even if Yang Jian has a girlfriend, she can dig a corner.

"Yes, is there a problem?" asked Yang Jian.

Zhang Minxi smiled: "of course, no problem. By the way, from today on, I want to pursue you. You're ready to take it."

With that, she came forward and wanted to kiss Yang Jian.

Yang Jian reacted quickly, turned her body quickly, and then got on the car.

In Zhang Min's opinion, Yang Jian fled because she was shy.

This man, she's going to make a decision!

In all these years, this is the first man who makes her so like and honest. And she felt that Yang Jian also liked her, otherwise she wouldn't be fooling around.

Back home, she called Chen Xiaoyu and told her about her date with Yang Jian tonight.

Chen Xiaoyu is happy for Zhang Min: "then he must like you before he goes to the movies with you. Yang Jian is really good. He is the best choice regardless of his appearance or personality, but he doesn't know his family background."

"I like him. I stayed with him all night tonight, and I think he is more and more not simple. He is not only good-natured, well spoken, but also knowledgeable and knows everything. Such a man, no matter what his origin, will make great achievements in the future!" mentioned Yang Jian, Zhang Min gushed.

Chen Xiaoyu laughs and feels that Zhang Min has fallen in love. She is so excited. She is happy for Zhang min.

For a week after that, Zhang Min reported to her and Yang Jian's progress every day. In addition to dating, eating and watching movies, Yang Jian also goes shopping with Zhang min.

No matter what unreasonable request Zhang Min has, Yang Jian follows Zhang Min's meaning.

All the details gave Zhang Min confidence.

Zhang Min feels that she is already Yang Jian's girlfriend, so she has always regarded herself as Yang Jian's girlfriend.

Another half month later, Zhang Min and Yang Jian still date every day, and their feelings heat up very quickly.

At least that's what Zhang Min thinks.

She was so busy falling in love that she didn't want to help Chen Xiaoyu find Wen Tingting to negotiate.

The only regret for her is that Yang Jian's character is too serious and rigid. She never has any close action with her, not even holding hands, let alone kissing and going to bed.

She always wanted to speed up her relationship with Yang Jian, but Yang Jian often dated her, but she never had the intimacy between lovers.

She put up with it and decided to speed up the progress. She must take Yang Jian and get him within a week.

She didn't believe it. Yang Jian liked her and couldn't help touching her.

On Friday afternoon, Zhang Min asked Yang Jian to meet.

Yang Jian didn't answer the phone at first, but finally answered it, but she said she had a job and had to work overtime.

Although Zhang Min is very disappointed, she can't make trouble without reason. She can only push back the plan to lure Yang Jian.

Yang Jian hung up the phone and looked back to see Wen Tingting standing behind him, smiling vaguely at him: "a girl asked you out. Why did you lie to others that you wanted to work overtime?"

I didn't expect that Yang Jian, who looked so honest, would be hard to get.

Yang Jian looked indifferent and replied, "President Wen is serious. It's not a date. If it's a woman I like, I can't stop me even if I have a job."

Wen Tingting understood that Yang Jian didn't like the woman talking to him. Maybe the other party had been pestering him.

She did not continue to discuss this issue with Yang Jian, and soon put this episode behind her.

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