Shi zuixiu thought Luo Chun was right.

She handed the meal card to Luo Chun: "you can order whatever you want. It's my treat tonight."

Luo Chun ordered two dishes seriously and soon chatted with Shi zuizui.

Shi zuixiu didn't expect Luo chun to be a talkative and won't be cold for a while.

After dinner with Luo Chun, she increasingly felt that Luo Chun was well educated by the Luo family. Unlike her, even if she grew up in the Shi family, she didn't become a lady.

Shi zuizui wanted Lu Sui to give Luo Chun a ride, but Luo Chun refused: "I drove here. There's no need to give me a ride. It's still early. You two continue dating. I can't spoil your beautiful night."

Shi Zui said that she and Lu Sui could have a good night. They had an old husband and wife's life early.

She sent Luo chun to the car. Luo Chun looked at Lu Sui standing not far away: "Lu Sui, come on, and try to turn drunk home as soon as possible."

Lu Sui waved to her.

Shi zuizui stood side by side with him and watched Luo Chun's car enter the neon River and drown in the traffic.

"It's not easy. Finally, a woman is not fascinated by you." Shi Zui joked.

According to Lu Sui's charm, men, women, young and old kill. It's rare for a woman like Luo chun to completely ignore Lu Sui's charm.

"I'm not silver. It's impossible for everyone to love me." Lu Xinxin said. Luo Chun was very knowledgeable and didn't continue to destroy his date with Shi Zui.

At present, he just wants to turn Shi Zui home. Although you can't make her a woman in your household register, you can make her a woman in your bed.

Shi zuixiu didn't know that Lu Sui was making her mind. She looked at her wristwatch and said, "I'm a little tired. Forget it today. There haven't been any good movies lately."

It's better to go home early, see the lovely twins, cultivate feelings with the two children, and then rest early.

"Are you tired?" Lu Sui was a little depressed.

He's still thinking about how to take her home. She's fine. She wants to run now.

"Yes, I am so busy today, I have no time to make complaints about it. I have to go on business for two days. I think I'm tired."

Lu Sui had no other thoughts at the moment. He was only worried about Shi Zui's body: "if you are too tired, let the Deputy librarian go on a business trip instead of you. You can't do things alone in Zongguan. There's no need to make yourself too tired."

"I've pushed everything I can about business trips. I have to fly myself this time. I can't help it." Shi said in a drunken voice: "yes, you haven't been on a bad job lately."

As a big boss, Lu Sui should be very busy and fly everywhere.

"I leave everything to the managers of major hotels. You should learn from me." Lu Sui avoids the important and takes the light.

The people he cares about most are in Ancheng. He has never considered such a business trip, so he has lost a lot of business.

But money is an external thing to him. As for ambition and ambition, it is not worth mentioning in front of Shi Zui and the twins.

He knows what he wants and loves most, and will never lose big for small.

Shi Zui was so blocked by him that he couldn't speak, but he couldn't find anything wrong with this.

Lu Sui finally honestly sent Shi Zui back to Wen's house. It was still early. He played with his two children until ten o'clock.

Just about to leave, Xiaotiantian suddenly asked, "why doesn't my father live with my mother?"

Other children's parents are together.

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