As soon as Wen Xiang's interview video came out, the whole people were in an uproar.

The most shameful thing is that Wen Xiang's video not only belittles Lu Sui, but also belittles Shi Zui, portraying her as a poor creature who can't live without a man.

Shi zuixiu was not angry after seeing the interview video.

Wen Xiang has been in the Wen family for so many years and has not been able to become a leader, which has become Wen Xiang's heart disease. She can't do nothing. She will try her best to embarrass her and Ms. Yao.

Last night, she focused all her attention on Lu, ignoring Wen Xiang.

Wen Xiang will have today's exposure, within the normal range.

Now everyone should believe that she broke up with Lu Sui? In her opinion, this result is very good, which can make everyone sure that she and Lu Sui have been separated.

I'm afraid Lu Sui will be unhappy.

The man knew it was a fake breakup and didn't want to. Wen Xiang added fuel to the flames. He could only play along, but he would be unhappy in his heart.

She just thought of Lu Sui. Lu Sui sent a text message: "Wen Xiang is a woman who is very eye-catching!"

In just nine words, it shows how dissatisfied Lu Sui is with Wen Xiang.

She comforted Lu Sui insincerely. Then she was busy with her work and left Lu Sui behind.

As for online comments, they are in a one-sided situation. Everyone believed that Lu Sui and Shi zuizui broke up, and only some did not give up. They also looked forward to a miracle. They thought that as long as Shi zuizui and Lu Sui didn't personally admit to breaking up, they wouldn't break up.

Many people who have been moved by Lu Suihe and Shi's drunken love are heartbroken and say they don't believe in love anymore.

Another group of netizens wantonly celebrated that Lu Sui got rid of Shi Zui, a man and woman. In this way, Lu Sui and Luo Chun's feelings no longer have any obstacles. In the future, they don't have to sneak and can be aboveboard together.

Of course, the happiest one is Luo Zhen.

He told Luo Chun the good news at the first time.

Of course, Luo Chun also saw the news on the Internet. She didn't feel much after reading it. This kind of thing deceived netizens, but it's impossible to deceive her.

Even if the person who exposed the material is Wen Xiang, this person is Shi Zui's aunt.

Lu Sui loves Shi Zui so much that he will never break up with Shi Zui because of Yao Lijun's coercion. This is impossible.

If Wen Xiang didn't lie, it might be a fake breakup.

Her silly father thought Lu Sui had something to do with her. It was naive.

"Daughter, why are you unhappy?" Luo Zhen was surprised to see Luo Chun's expressionless face.

He thought that after Shi Zui was abandoned by Lu Sui, Luo Chun was the happiest. Why is it different from what he thought?

Luo Chun replied quietly, "Lu Suihe and Shi Zui can't break up."

"It's clear that Wen Xiang is exposing the material. It can't be fake!" Luo Zhen reacted very much.

"Wen Xiang is in an awkward position in the literary family. Does Dad think this woman's words are credible? According to my understanding of Lu Sui, he won't break up with Shi Zui."

Moreover, Lu Sui has no substantive ambiguous relationship with her.

Just this big truth, she can't tell Luo Zhen.

"Is it false news?" Luo Zhen still didn't want to believe it: "all netizens said it was true. Why are you so rational?"

He thought his daughter's chance came.

Luo Chun didn't answer again. She looked absently at a point ahead, and her mood was very complicated.

Of course, she hopes that the news of breaking up is true and that she can be with Lu Sui. But she could see clearly the situation and the feelings between Shi Zui and Lu Sui.

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