Under Shi Zui's questioning, Cui Yan told her a big thing.

Luo Zhen will deal with the urban transportation group and wentingting in the near future.

After hearing the news, Shi zuixiu calmed down for a long time: "thank you. I'll invite you to dinner when I have a chance."

"It's important for you to get busy with your business first. Luo's family is rich and cannot be underestimated. Luo Zhen's reputation is also loud abroad. You should be careful." Cui Yan is rarely serious.

Why did Shi Zui provoke people like Luo Zhen? Must it be Lu Sui?

The scandal between Lu Suihe and Luo Chun is all over the sky. Then the news that Lu Suihe and Shi Zui broke up comes out. Next, Luo Zhen has to deal with the urban transportation group. All this has something to do with Lu Suihe.

"I will handle it carefully," Shi replied absently.

So in the end, I implicated my family. Wen Tingting's life is full of twists and turns because of her, and now she has provoked Luo Zhen.

How hard should it be to let her sister know about it?

"Zui Zui, I think you are a friend. If you need my help, just ask. Although I have a bad reputation, I also value friendship. I happen to have a little money and should be able to help at the critical moment." Cui Yan said softly.

Shi Zui didn't know what else to say except to thank him.

She is not stupid. Cui Yan is interested in her. This interest is not simple, but Cui Yan never came to her again. This shows that Cui Yan has a special existence in her heart.

After hanging up, she went to the urban transportation group to find Wen Tingting.

The two sisters had dinner together. Wen Tingting found that Shi Zui was worried.

"How do you look like that?" Wen Tingting looked at Shi Zui as she ate.

"Eat first, I'm afraid you can't eat later." Shi Zui poured a bowl of soup for Wen Tingting while talking.

Wen Tingting put down the dishes and chopsticks when she heard the speech: "are you doing it on purpose? I'm losing my appetite now. Come on, what's going on?"

It must be a big thing that can make Shi Zui look so dignified.

Shi Zui thought Wen Tingting's words were all right.

"You are implicated by me again. I have received the news that Luo Zhen wants to deal with the urban transportation group and you..."

When Wen Tingting heard this, she scolded a dirty word. She was not angry and said, "why do I spread such a mope like you?"

Just to make trouble for her.

As soon as I heard Luo Zhen's name, I knew what Luo Zhen was doing to deal with her.

"Who said I was lucky to have my sister last time?" Shi Zui knew she wasn't angry when she saw her like this, so he was relieved.

"I'll take those words back!" said Wen Tingting, burying himself in his meal: "I can't work until I'm full. I don't believe it. I can't fight a bad old man!"

"You know what Luo Zhen is? Don't underestimate him." Shi Zui looked at his hands: "I find it useless to fight now. I can't help at the critical moment."

At the critical moment of the commercial war, she can only stare aside.

"You're just responsible for playing handsome. The intrigues in the mall are not suitable for you. I don't underestimate Luo Zhen, but I don't think it's necessary to be too pessimistic." Wen Tingting replied quietly.

Shi Zui looked at Wen Tingting and wanted to stop talking.

When Wen Tingting saw her like this, she certainly knew what she was worried about. In turn, she comforted Shi Zui. The two sisters talked while eating. They were not in a bad mood by Luo Zhen.

Before leaving, Shi Zui comforted her, but she didn't dare to be too optimistic.

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