Yao Lijun gave the order and walked away.

Shi Zui was stunned in situ, unable to laugh or cry.

Since she returned to Wen's house, Ms. Yao has followed her in everything and never forced her to do anything.

Today, she saw her strong mother and wanted to force her to marry. How could she be so unreasonable?

"Come on, mom spoiled you. In the past, mom was the queen in this family. She said, others dare not have any objection. You're good. Now you're forcing mom to show her strong side!"

After hearing Shi Zui's complaint, Wen Tingting made no secret of her schadenfreude.

After so many years under Ms. Yao's power, hasn't she come over? Shi Zui couldn't stand it when she first saw it. She will feel better in the future.

"When mom did this to you, didn't you resist?" Shi Zui asked curiously.

"What can I resist? At that time, my economy was not independent and I never went out to work. My brother was also afraid of my mother. Neither my brother nor I was my mother's opponent." Wen Tingting now thinks of the past and feels that he is too counselled.

In addition, Ms. Yao didn't like her very much before. In order to show herself in front of Ms. Yao, she listened to her parents' meaning.

Shi zuixiu soon thought that Wen Tingting had not been valued in Ms. Yao's eyes before. Then he thought that he had been forced to make a boyfriend by Ms. Yao for the first time for so long.

After all, she is much happier than Tingting, and there is no reason to complain.

"OK, I see. Go to sleep and I won't quarrel with you." Shi was drunk. Finally, he rarely said, "good, sister loves you."

Wen Tingting got goose bumps when she was drunk. After she hung up the phone, she had a cold war and fell asleep.

After talking to Wen Tingting on the phone, Shi Zui thought about how to fight Ms. Yao.

Wen Tingting said that Ms. Yao is the queen at home. I used to be spoiled by Ms. Yao, so I lived like a princess.

Now Ms. Yao has become powerful and put on the airs of her elders. As a daughter, she can't be unfilial, but as Lu Sui's girlfriend, she can't step on two boats.

Therefore, this matter must be considered in the long run. Both sides must be pacified. We can't hurt our mother's heart or let Lu Sui feel cold.

The next day, Lu Sui went to Luo Chun and said that Luo Zhen wanted to deal with the urban transportation group.

"No one can change what my father decided, and I can't convince him." Luo Chun understood Luo Zhen's intention from the beginning of his accident.

Father will listen to her on small things. But as a daughter, she has no room to talk about major events in the mall.

"It happened because of me. If your father dealt with the urban transportation group, I wouldn't sit idly by." Lu Sui believed that Luo Chun could understand his meaning.

Even if Luo Zhen is Luo Chun's father, he will not show mercy.

Luo Chun soon understood the meaning of Lu Sui's words, but he didn't think so.

Of course, Lu Sui is capable, but Lu Sui is not his father's opponent. Although the Luo family is not as strong as it was ten years ago, it still monopolizes the market and has the footprints of the Luo family across banks and borders.

Against Luo Zhen, no one can get a bargain.

No matter how powerful Lu Sui is, he is only the overlord of the hotel industry. Lu Sui has little involvement outside the hotel industry. In that case, how will he compete with his father?

The prey in Luo Zhen's phase will never be let go easily.

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