Just when Ding Lun decided to sign a divorce, his cell phone rang.

When he saw that it was his mother's call, he didn't know whether to answer it or not. He didn't answer the phone until the bell was getting faster and faster.

"Ding Lun, I won't allow you to divorce -"

After Ding's mother finished this sentence, there was no following.

Ding Lun recognized that her voice was wrong and stood up anxiously: "Mom, what's the matter with you?"

There was no response at the other end of the phone. Ding Lun's face suddenly changed and shouted a few more times, but there was still no response.

"What's the matter with your mother?" Wen Tingting also noticed that something was wrong.

"I don't know. I have to hurry home." Ding Lun said and ran away quickly.

Wen Tingting also wanted to go with him. The staff asked, "are you going to get a divorce?"

"Another day." Wen Tingting said and chased out.

When she chased out, Ding Lun had disappeared. You can see how fast Ding Lun was.

She knew that Ding Lun and Ding's mother depended on each other. Their mother and son had never mentioned Ding's father. So she didn't know whether father Ding was dead or somewhere else.

When Ding's mother could force Ding Lun to marry her, she knew that Ding Lun was very filial to Ding's mother.

If something happens to Ding mu, it will be a great blow to Ding Lun, right?

When she arrived at Ding's house, she found Ding Lun standing in the living room without Ding's mother.

"Isn't mom at home?" Wen Tingting was a little surprised.

"I, I don't know where to find someone." Ding Lun was flustered.

Just when he was in a panic, his cell phone rang. It was a call from the hospital.

Wen Tingting saw Ding Lun's soul and robbed her mobile phone. She asked for the hospital address, pulled Ding Lun up and rushed to the hospital as soon as possible.

When they arrived, Ding's mother was still in the emergency room and didn't come out.

Because they didn't know what the situation was, they had to wait outside the emergency room.

The waiting process is undoubtedly long.

I don't know how long it took. The light in the emergency room finally went out and the doctor came out.

"How's my mother?" Ding Lun asked eagerly.

"The operation went well, but the patient hurt his head. The specific situation needs to be observed after the patient wakes up. However, you should also be prepared. Usually, it is difficult for the patient to wake up..."

"What do you mean it's hard to wake up?" Ding Lun grabbed the doctor's collar and asked.

When the doctor saw that he was excited, his expression still remained unchanged: "other injuries on the patient are not a problem, and the injury on the head is the most serious. As for how to be serious, I can tell you slowly..."

However, as the patient's family is so excited, I'm afraid I can't hear what he said.

Finally, Wen Tingting responded in time and said to Ding Lun, "don't worry, just say that you may not wake up and watch the change first."

She wondered why Ding Mu was suddenly injured. If she was injured outside, where was the place?

Ding Lun accompanied Ding's mother into the ward, while Wen Tingting inquired about Ding's mother's diagnosis and treatment in the hospital.

She found the passer-by who sent Ding's mother to the hospital. When she asked, she knew that Ding's mother was injured in the mall of Ancheng square.

Passers by also happened to see Ding's mother falling at the entrance of the stairs. Out of kindness, they sent Ding's mother to the hospital.

Wen Tingting tells Shi Zui about it. Shi Zui soon comes to the hospital.

The passers-by was very enthusiastic and took Shi Zui to the place where Ding's mother was injured.

Wen Tingting stayed in the hospital, waiting for Shi Zui's feedback.

Shi zuizui was very efficient. He had news feedback about half an hour later.

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