If it weren't for Shi Zui, she wouldn't become a concubine; If she hadn't been drunk, she wouldn't have been reduced from a famous family to homeless.

She also wants to get back their Shi Family Mansion. The mansion representing the appearance of the Shi family was also robbed by Shi Zui.

Shi ran knows she has a lot to do. She doesn't allow herself to fail.

"You're more reassuring to mom now than Shi Shi. On the contrary, your sister hides at home all day without fighting her wits. How can she go on like this? She's still young and beautiful. Why don't you take the time to stand up? A woman's youth is limited. I'm afraid that when she cheer up, her youthful beauty will no longer be there."

Zhang Hui said with a long sigh, "it's all the damn Shi Zui. If it weren't for her, how could our Shi Family end up like this."

Changhe international is one of the best large enterprises in China. Even if the performance in those two years is different from that in the past, Changhe international can not be easily merged, of course, it is also impossible to change its owner.

It was because Shi was drunk that he colluded with Lu Sui and he Zhijing. The two joined hands and cooperated inside and outside. Unexpectedly, Sheng Sheng stole Changhe international from the Shi family.

Whenever she thought of this, she wished she could chew the drunken meat.

She knew Shi Zui was not a good thing before, and she always kept a tight guard against Shi Zui. In the end, the Shi family was really defeated by Shi Zui.

"In the future, we will win back everything we have lost." Shi ran whispered silently.

She also thought more than once that if she didn't marry he Zhijing and lead wolves into the house, Changhe international would not change its owner.

But that night he Zhijing said that whether it was him or not, the Shi family would collapse.

This shows that the root cause is Shi Zui.

It was Lu suixiang who wanted to destroy the Shi family, and Lu suixiang planned everything, and that was just to please Shi zuixi.

So the culprit is Shi Zui.

Injustice has its head and debt has its owner. If you want revenge, you can't find Shi Zui wrong.

"However, revenge is not easy," Zhang Hui whispered back.

Even if she is no longer willing to admit it, she knows that today is different from the past. Shi zuizui is no longer Amun in the past. She is the owner of the religious hall and supported by writers. The most important thing is that the fox spirit has become beautiful, and many men are willing to work for her.

Fortunately, Lu Sui dumped Shi Zui. Without Lu Sui's support, Shi Zui would be much easier to deal with.

Thinking of this, she said, "didn't you go to see Lu Sui today? What did he say?"

"Probably I still remember my sister persecuting him. He doesn't want to talk to me more." Shi ran told me the truth.

"It's your sister's fault. Just like her, she still wants to kill Lu Sui. It's reasonable to be hated by Lu Sui now. But fortunately, he broke up with Shi Zui. Without Lu Sui's support, it would be much easier for us to deal with Shi Zui." Zhang Huiyue said more and more excited, as if revenge was in front of us.

Shi Ran is not as optimistic as Zhang Hui: "even without Lu Sui's help, Shi Zui is not easy to deal with. What I'm afraid of is that Lu Sui and Shi Zui didn't break up..."

"How can we not break up? Isn't Lu Sui in love with Luo Chun?" the smile on Zhang Hui's face disappeared.

Wen Xiang even testified, which showed that Lu Suihe and Shi zuizui had already separated.

"Luo Zhen dealt with the urban transportation group a few days ago, but it didn't work out at last. I suspect Lu Sui played tricks behind his back. If so, the two people should not have broken up, maybe it's just a cover."

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