Shi Ran's purpose is very simple, that is, to make Wen Tingting hate Shi drunk, but also to turn the two sisters into enemies, so as to dispel her hatred.

Shi listens to Shi ran and wants to discuss big things with him, so he specially comes to Hong's house.

After listening to Shi Ran's plan, she had to look at Shi ran with new eyes.

Back then, Shi ran was just his follower. It was always her idea and plan. Now she has changed her identity. Instead, Shi Ran is planning, but she is a follower.

She also had to admit that Shi ran had enough patience and resourcefulness to stare at Chen Xiaoyu's chess piece early.

If it hadn't been for Shi Ran's words, she couldn't believe that Chen Xiaoyu returned to an City at Shi Ran's instigation.

If Chen Xiaoyu doesn't go back to Ancheng, Ding Lun and Wen Tingting are expected to be husband and wife for a lifetime, right?

Shi Ran's move is really poisonous. She likes it.

"However, you have grown up." Shi Shi sincerely sighed.

"It's all Shi zuixiu's credit. If Shi zuixiu hadn't been there, I wouldn't be who I am today. How did Shi zuixiu embarrass our sisters in those years? I'll fight back in the same way now!" Shi Ran's eyes were burning.

She can't wait to see Shi Zui and Wen Tingting turn against each other.

"I'm afraid Shi is too drunk to deal with." Shi Shi has his own concerns.

She fought with Shi Zui too many times, but each time she was beaten by Shi Zui and had no room to fight back.

Normally, Shi Ran's plan is very good, but she still has no confidence.

"I also know that Shi Zui is hard to deal with, but I have made full preparations and have evidence in hand. I don't believe that she can break the game." Shi Ran is very confident.

She has planned this matter for a long time. If she is not fully sure, she will not do it at this time.

It must be because the time has come and she is sure to destroy Wen Tingting that she plans to seize this opportunity.

Shi Shi saw that she was so confident and put down the stone in her heart.

"Since you're so sure, we can certainly succeed. I can't wait to see Shi get drunk and eat turtles!" Shi's tone couldn't help flying.

Shi zuixiu, a woman who has always been favored by God, always retreats when she meets risks.

I hope this time, I can give Shi Zui a heavy blow.

"Don't worry, she won't laugh soon." Shi ran drew a smile on her lips.

Shi Shi hates Shi Zui as much as she hates Shi Zui.

Their sisters stumbled in Shi Zui's hands, and even had to be displaced because Shi Zui's family broke down and died.

In order to return to the social circle, she had to marry Hong Jiantang.

Since she chooses to marry hongjiantang, she will certainly get everything she wants in this marriage, including power and even Hongkang industry.

She knows very well that power is a good thing. Without these, she would be nothing, let alone deal with Shi Zui.

Shi Shi and Shi ran discussed the details again. After confirming that there was no problem, they began to prepare to implement the plan.

Shi ran thought of it, and Shi Zui also thought of it.

Earlier, she called Yang Jian and specifically communicated with him.

But Yang Jian's reaction made her feel strange. It seems that Yang Jian had expected to be photographed, so was he ready?

This is just her speculation. Later, when she looked for Yang Jian again, Yang Jian didn't say much about it.

Even Wen Tingting said that Yang Jian had changed.

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