Shi zuixiu saw these netizens refuting, and deeply felt that this session of netizens' IQ was online.

As for other people who just want to see the excitement, seeing Wen Tingting and Yang Jian stay together all night, they are convinced that there is no innocence between Yang Jian and Wen Tingting.

Anyway, Shi ran knew he had achieved his goal.

Now Wen Tingting has ten mouths, and she can't tell what she was doing with Yang Jian that night.

That's why she dared to release the video.

Even if she did not have a close photo of Wen Tingting and Yang Jian in her hand, she knew it would be such a result.

Next, she wanted to see how Shi zuizui and Wen Tingting reacted.

Her killing moves are still behind, so she is not in a hurry to show all her cards.

The last time she had a head-on fight with Shi zuizui was a few years ago. At that time, she withdrew without fighting.

She knew she was no better than before, but Shi zuizui must have made progress. She just wanted to know how Shi Zui would deal with her game this time.

Shi Ran is patient enough to release the exposure materials of Wen Tingting and Yang Jian every day, trying to force Shi Zui to fight back.

On the contrary, Shi zuizui didn't respond, and Wen Tingting didn't give any feedback.

For a moment, she couldn't figure out what Shi zuizu was thinking.

If the feelings of their sisters are OK, what happened to Wen Tingting? Shouldn't Shi Zui, who claims to be a righteous man, stand up for the speech Pavilion at the first time?

Or is it just a cover that their sisters have a good relationship? So if something happens to Wen Tingting, can Shi Zui sit quietly on the wall?

Because Shi zuixiu didn't respond, plus the Internet friends are three minutes hot. As long as a new hot spot comes out, Wen Tingting's cheating on Yang Jian will be replaced.

Shi ran didn't know what to do. After discussing with Shi Shi, he decided to wait patiently for another two days.

Wen Tingting and Shi jiuzui had expected Shi ran to do it, so as soon as the cheating news came out, Wen Tingting was very calm, and Shi jiuzui didn't overreact.

From the video sent by Shi ran, Shi Ran has no conclusive evidence.

Coupled with Wen Tingting and Yang Jianqing's innocence, they have never exceeded the moment. Even if a few photos seem to be close together, it's just a matter of shooting angle. As long as they are experts, they will know that these photos can't stand scrutiny.

It's just that wentingting spent the whole night with Yang Jian the night she was ill. It's hard to crack after all.

They simply respond to changes with invariance. They want to know what other sinister moves Shi ran hasn't made.

They are waiting for Shi ran to continue to move. Who knows Shi Ran is waiting to see their reaction.

Just because it was too calm, Wen Tingting's cheating news looked like hype. On the contrary, the heat could not last too long.

Shi ran waited patiently for two days. She saw that Shi Zui still had no change, but the heat of Wen Tingting's infidelity was declining. This was not the situation she wanted to see.

After discussing with Shi Shi, she decided to expose wentingting's material again.

As soon as this material came out, it was almost impossible for Wen Tingting to retreat.

As a result, wentingting boarded the hot search first again.

The indecent video about her was widely spread. As a party, Wen Tingting also watched curiously. When she saw the "self" inside, her face was confused. Did she have amnesia?

She doesn't have any impression of it, but the heroine in the video is really like her.

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