"OK, I won't hold you back. What's your aunt's idea, I can't know?" Wen Changdong is not stupid. He understands Wen Tingting's concerns.

No matter how bad he is, he can't drag Tingting's back. This sister has hurt him since he was a child.

Wen Tingting smiled: "what I'm afraid of is that my aunt is bad for you. My aunt can do everything. Don't be used by her or framed by her. In terms of scheming, you're far inferior to my aunt."

Wen Changdong thought Wen Tingting was right.

Some things will not be carried out in the open.

If Wen Xiang designs to frame him, he is afraid that he can't speak clearly with ten mouths.

In this way, it is not a wise move in the planning department. He knows nothing about the planning department. If the manager of the planning department is not in, he has to sign some documents, and he has really signed a problematic contract. At that time, the responsibility will be on him.

Thinking of this possibility, he was in a cold sweat.

Wen Tingting and Wen Changdong thought of a piece: "didn't you sign any strange contract from yesterday to today?"

"Not yet." Wen Changdong sighed softly.

"Well, if you want to sign something in the future, show it to me first, and then sign it when there is no problem. It has to be done in secret. It should be hidden from my aunt." Wen Tingting told her uneasily.

Wen Changdong thinks the same.

If he can't contribute to the company, at least he can't make trouble for the company, can he?

This lunch eliminated all the previous diaphragms of the two brothers and sisters.

Wen Tingting thinks more deeply than Wen Changdong. Her suggestion is that in the company, their brothers and sisters should keep a distance and not let Wen Xiang know that their brothers and sisters are reconciled as before.

Wen Changdong thought this was reasonable and hit it off with Wen Tingting.

After dinner, they deliberately separated, and they entered the door of the company one after another.

Interestingly, at the end of the day, an assistant came in and took a contract for Wen Changdong to sign.

Wen Changdong had an important phone call to make, paid back his assistant, and then sent the contract to Wen Tingting for a look.

Wen Tingting read it as quickly as possible and told him that the contract was all right before he dared to sign it.

As for Xiang xiaorou, after thinking day and night, she still found that she could not easily give up Wen Changdong.

Even if she can't make Wen Changdong fall in love with herself in the end, she can finally get power and interests.

She is no longer a yellow haired girl who is new to society. She will not be naive enough to think that she can fight Shi Zui on her own. As long as she marries Wen Changdong, even if she only gets the title of Wen Changdong's wife in the end, Shi Zui will be unable to get rid of her all her life.

With the decision, she was relaxed.

I thought Wen Changdong would call her. Unexpectedly, Wen Changdong still didn't call until after work.

No way, she took the initiative to call Wen Changdong. Wen Changdong told her that he was on his way to work.

While they were still talking, Wen Tingting suddenly came from the other end of the phone and asked him to focus on driving and don't talk on the phone. She knew that Wen Tingting and Wen Changdong were together.

The two brothers and sisters were unhappy because Shi was drunk before, but they came home from work this time. Does this mean that they have made up?

She thought Wen Changdong would take her back to Wen's house today. Now it seems that she is too optimistic.

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