"Don't you take me back?" Shi Shi called Lin Zhao.

Lin Zhao was about to get on the motorcycle. He looked back and said to Shi Shi, "when your man saw it, he would misunderstand you and I have an affair. For your sake, I should stay away from you. Today, I just suddenly thought of you and came to see how you are doing. It looks good. That's all."

Shi Shi's eyes turned red when he heard the speech.

Lin Zhao was never a man who thought of others, but he thought of her.

At the moment, she couldn't help thinking that if she hadn't been so persistent to Lu Sui in those years, she would have stayed abroad, pointing out that she might have had children for Lin Zhao.

But how can there be so many ifs in the world?

She took the wrong step, so she is still paying for that step.

Lin Zhao finally left without looking back. He is always so natural and unrestrained. Even if he is so down that he can only use a motorcycle as a mount, he still lives wantonly.

Shi Shi took a taxi back to Nie's house.

What she didn't expect was that Nie Zhen and LU Hong were sitting in the living room. They looked very serious and looked like they were waiting for her.

Nie Zhen always smiles when she comes home, but today it's just the opposite.

She didn't know what had happened, so she asked, "what's the matter?"

Why do Nie Zhen and LU Hong stink and fix their eyes on her face.

"What you've done, see what it looks like on the Internet!" LU Hong looked at Shi coldly.

This woman used to have a bad private life. She thought she would converge after marrying Nie's family. Recently, Shi Shi's performance was OK. She thought this woman had changed her sex.

But the original is still the same virtue!

Shi Shi hurriedly took out her mobile phone to brush the web page. When she saw that the scene of her leaning against Lin Zhao was photographed, her face turned white: "no, it's not like that..."

"I think you were intoxicated when you were with Lin Zhao. Don't think I didn't know about you and Lin Zhao. Today you lost not only your own face, but also the face of our Nie family!" Lu Hongqi didn't fight.

She looked at Nie Zhen and said coldly, "do you regret it now? I said this woman was restless. You were fascinated by her. How long have you been married?"

"Ah Zhen, it's not what you see. Lin Zhao came to ask me for money. When I was in the worst situation, he also helped me. By the way, he was threatening me, so I had to obey his orders." Shi Shi hurriedly interrupted LU Hong.

In any case, those who die should also say those who survive. They can't cut off their own future.

"Look at the photos, who can you cheat?" LU Hong sneered.

Shi Shi leaned on Lin Zhao's shoulder. Did he enjoy it so much? Did he look like he was pretending?

"This is also Lin Zhao's request. He said that if I didn't do it, it would make me look good. I, I didn't expect that his real purpose was to expose it in order to let me leave you. Ah Zhen, I really didn't mean it. You believe me once. You know, I love you very much. Since I met you, I've wanted to live with you all my life." Shi Shi looked at Nie Zhen with tears in her eyes, I hope I can impress him.

Nie Zhen looked at Shi Shi for a while and said, "I won't investigate this matter again."

The implication is not to believe what Shi Shi said.

He has read countless people. As for the photo taken by Shi and Lin, it is very storytelling. A woman with an ex husband in her heart, can he say that he will return the goods?

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