As Ms. Yao said, drunk will go to work tomorrow and should have an early rest.

It's early morning now. He can't disturb her sleep because he is too selfish.

But clearly under the same eaves, face to face every day, so close to her, but still eager to be closer to her?

It seems that we must try our best to make Zui promise to marry him.

Recently, he felt that although drunk refused his so-called marriage proposals every time, her attitude was much softer than at the beginning, which was a great progress.

If you can completely move the drunk heart and let her know that it's no different whether she gets married or not, maybe you can cheat her.

With this in mind, he soon made a decision.

Shi Zui Meimei slept for a while. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Lu Sui sitting on the edge of his bed.

Bleary eyed, she asked, "when did you give up? Why didn't you make a sound?"

When did her alertness become so low?

"It's been an hour." Lu Sui seemed to know her confusion. He added: "after I came in, you rubbed against me. It seems that you don't have the heart to be on guard against me."

Otherwise, according to her occupational disease, she will find someone sneaking into her bedroom early in the morning.

"I remember locking the door..." Shi Zui stopped.

If Lu Sui wants to come in, the lock can't stop him. But he had never done such a thing before. Since he was so anxious to come in, it must be because he had something to discuss with her.

And it should be a big deal.

"When my mother knows you broke into my bedroom, she will break your leg with a stick." Shi Zui said, approaching Lu Sui: "come on, what's the big deal? You're in such a hurry to see me."

The next moment, there was one more thing between her fingers. Isn't it a bright ring?

She raised her hand and showed her ring: "just to give me such a gift?"

The rest of life can't sleep as like as two peas. I'm afraid that I will never marry you, and I'm afraid that I will die. I will be married to you. You can't refuse. I can only hide from you at the very least. It's like we are exactly the same as when we were not married.

Lu Sui threw out his lines prepared early in the morning.

Shi was drunk and speechless: "how can you propose like this?"

And curse himself for his short life, is that what you mean?

"I said, you can't refuse. I have your ID card. Just get your residence booklet and we can go through the registration formalities!" Lu Sui said again decisively.

Shi Zui wiped his face: "you are forced to buy and sell!"

"That's right, but I won't regret it. To tell you the truth, I'm not only having nightmares last night, but I've always had bad dreams recently. I'm afraid I'll have a chance when I can..."

Lu Sui couldn't go on.

He has also experienced life and death. He never knows which comes first, accident or tomorrow.

Why not be with the one you love? Why not marry drunk?

He has been waiting for this day for a long time. His existence is just to get drunk.

Seeing that Lu Sui was so emotional, Shi Zui refused.

In fact, she is not as resistant to marriage as before. If marriage is so important to Lu Sui, why not help him? It's just one more wedding letter.

However, she is still a little resistant

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