Ginger is still old and spicy. Ms. Yao cut to the point at once.

In front of Lu Sui, she is really naive and easy to be cheated.

"Mom, Lu Sui is actually very good. He won't do anything to hurt me. Don't worry." Shi Zui said.

Lu Sui hurts her too late. How can she be willing to hurt her?

Yao Lijun laughed angrily at this: "listen to what you mean, even if you are cheated, you are willing?"

"He lied to me for my good." Shi Zui had the courage to speak for Lu Sui.

Yao Lijun was speechless.

Her eldest daughter looks smart. In fact, she is easier to soften her heart than Tingting. She can't worry about the feelings of the two children, but they don't worry about them one by one.

"Ah, I'm going to be late for work, so I have to leave quickly. Mom, I'll hang up first!" Shi Zui sang and wrote well, and hung up without giving Ms. Yao a chance to speak.

She looked back at Lu Sui and said, "every time you jump for me, but you want me to deal with the aftermath. Don't you know how smart my mother is?"

Lu Sui smiled lazily, "I know your ability. It's nothing."

Shi Zui was too lazy to pay attention to him again. He washed quickly and arrived at the Zongguan as soon as possible.

Xiaowu mentioned to her that a local tyrant showed love to her girlfriend by the river last night. She smiled at the speech. It turned out that in the eyes of outsiders, Lu Sui set off fireworks and then confessed this kind of thing, which is the behavior of local tyrants.

"Why doesn't President Lu know how to use this trick to please the owner?" Xiaowu suddenly said.

Shi Zui smiled more deeply: "he has never been a romantic person, but he is not a romantic person."

Xiaowu realized later that Shi was drunk and full of spring breeze, like a woman bathed in love.

Does this mean that the relationship between the owner and Lu Sui has sublimated to another stage?

After passing the gossip dance, Shi sat in the office drunk and suddenly had no motivation to work. Since she registered with Lu Sui yesterday, she has been promoted to a married woman.

Just like this, it also aroused her affection for children and girls. She was not like this.

Feelings do change a lot.

After that, Lu Sui called and asked her how she spent the evening. He said that whether it was heaven or sea, as long as she nodded and agreed.

I have to say that the honeymoon between the two last night really made Shi drunk, and Lu suiti's suggestions moved her very much.

But reason finally prevailed over emotion.

If she and Lu Sui continue to flow out today, Ms. Yao may drive her man out of the house.

Even for the sake of the future of both of them, she can't just look at the happiness in front of her eyes.

Although Lu Sui was a little disappointed, he also knew that Shi zuixiu was right.

At present, they are in a state of hidden marriage. If one of them is not handled well, it may make the mother-in-law unhappy.

Yao Lijun is not a good friend. If she is not a friend, she may be an enemy.

Nevertheless, they had dinner outside and then accidentally watched a movie.

When I got back to Wen's house, it was already 10:30 p.m.

Yao Lijun waited calmly in the living room. Shi Zui winked at Lu Sui and told him not to speak. She was responsible for coaxing Ms. Yao.

"Mom, we're back!" she sat down beside Yao Lijun.

Yao Lijun didn't look at her or speak. Her expression was a little scary.

At this moment, Shi Zui felt that Yao Lijun's aura was really strong, which made her a little scared.

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