In the evening, Wen Tingting called Ms. Yao and claimed that she was suddenly going on a business trip across the city, so she couldn't go home these two days and couldn't go back to Ancheng on Monday.

You can't say that you want to work overtime, otherwise Ms. Yao will know that she is lying when she kills the company.

Lying about going on a business trip is the best excuse, so Ms. Yao can't pick anything wrong.

After Yao Lijun answered the phone, she was skeptical. She turned back and asked Shi Zui, "what's the matter with Tingting recently? Either she doesn't go home at night or she comes home late. Now she doesn't even go back at the weekend. She also said she wants to go on a business trip. Is it reliable?"

Shi Zui was also confused. She thought of the night she didn't return from the night she stayed up. She also made many excuses.

Will Tingting lie just like her in order to live with Yang Jian?

"She is the president of the urban transportation group. She has endless business to deal with every day. What's strange about going on a business trip? It's strange that she doesn't go on a business trip all year round?" Shi replied in a faint voice.

Yao Lijun felt that this was reasonable, so she did not continue the discussion on this issue.

Shi Zui looked at a gap, called Wen Tingting, and asked, "did you live with Yang Jian outside?"

"How do you know?" Wen Tingting blurted out without noticing.

Shi zuizhou wanted to say that this is not his own move. You can guess it.

"It seems that you and Yang Jian are close to a good thing. Congratulations!" after a pause, Shi Zui reminded, "if you are often not at home in the future, you'd better move out. It's impossible to use the excuses of overtime and business trip every time."

"Mom certainly won't agree!" Wenting said.

"It's man-made. Let's find a way. Why don't we find an excuse for work? Say that your place of work is too far away from home and you're too tired to commute?" Shi Zui gave Wen Tingting an idea.

Wen Tingting said to be so simple.

But Shi Zui's words make sense. How can you know if you don't try?

She has to find a suitable opportunity to have a good talk with Ms. Yao.

After living in Yang Jian's house for two days, Wen Tingting is sure that Yang Fan's mother-in-law actually likes herself, but she can't see it on the surface.

This reassured her.

Although she encountered many setbacks in her feelings, God treated her well and allowed her to meet such a good Yang Jian, and there was no need to worry about the relationship between her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Yang Fan is even very open-minded. She is not in a hurry to have grandchildren. She can have children whenever she wants.

She even gave birth to a child, and she promised to help with it.

Wen Tingting is very grateful for this.

For now, everything is perfect.

On the other hand, Shi Zui never thought of moving away from the Wen family. Xu is because Jiang Xin died early. Before she had time to be filial to Jiang Xin, people disappeared.

So that she can finally reunite with her close relatives. She especially cherishes this hard won family affection.

She has been separated from Ms. Yao for many years, and her parents are not young. She thinks she should spend more time with her close relatives.

Lu Sui knew that she valued her family. Later, she never asked her any more. Everything was subject to her wishes.

Everything is no different from before she got married. As Lu Sui said, they can get married secretly, and she can still do what she wants to do.

Occasionally she doesn't remember that she is a married woman.

It was not easy for the astronomy pavilion to summon up the courage and put forward that he wanted to move out.

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