"Then you die, I will leave with you!" Wen Changdong said coldly.

He just said angry words, but Xiang xiaorou became true and lost her mind in an instant. She picked up something and threw it on her head.

Shi Zui was still drunk, his eyes were clear and his hands were fast. He rushed forward to stop Xiang xiaorou and forcibly took the object from her hand.

Xiang xiaorou was out of control. She couldn't control it. She shouted at Wen Changdong: "what are you doing with a pestle? Come and help!"

Wen Changdong woke up like a dream and rushed forward to help, but Xiang xiaorou punched and kicked him. His strength surprised him. The next moment, Xiang xiaorou broke away from his control and pressed him under him.

"It's no use for ghosts!" Shi was drunk and angry, and came forward to drag Xiang xiaorou away.

Finally, she spent nine cattle and two tigers to tie Xiang xiaorou up, which made Xiang xiaorou stop.

Wen Changdong sat on the ground panting and staring at Xiang xiaorou. He couldn't imagine marrying such a terrible woman.

Shi Zui looked at him and said coldly, "haven't you seen anything wrong with her yet?"

Wen Changdong was stunned: "what's wrong?"

"Even if she is drunk and stimulated, she can't suddenly become so violent and her strength can't suddenly become so strong." Shi drunk wiped a sweat and tired her to death.

"What do you want to say?" Wen Changdong was still puzzled.

"I suspect there is something wrong with her brain, so it's safer to send her to the hospital for examination." Shi Zui said, calling aside.

Before long, an ambulance came to the door and sent Xiang xiaorou to the hospital.

After a detailed examination, Xiang xiaorou's examination results came out, which proved that she was indeed mentally abnormal. According to the doctor, Xiang xiaorou has mild depression and victim delusion. In short, she is mentally abnormal. For more details, she should be kept in hospital for observation.

After Wen Changdong got the result, he still didn't believe: "how is it possible?"

In his opinion, Xiang xiaorou is very normal and has no unusual behavior.

He doesn't believe that people like Xiang xiaorou have depression at all.

"Why is it impossible? Don't you know she likes you very much? But what about you? Menxin asked herself, do you have feelings for her? What she cares about most is your feelings for her, but you never respond to her." Shi Zui sneered.

According to her, Xiang xiaorou will become like this and has something to do with Wen Changdong.

She is also very confused. Xiang xiaorou is not like a person with fragile feelings. Is it because she has been depressed for too long that her spirit is abnormal?

Xiang xiaorou married Wen Changdong for a few months. Can love really hurt people so far?

"Aren't you her sworn enemy? Now you're complaining about her?" Wen Changdong didn't understand.

Shi is too drunk to talk to Wen Changdong again.

If she met a man like Wen Changdong and dumped him long ago, would she keep it for the new year?

After Wen Changdong, who was still trying to get a divorce, got the inspection results, he didn't know what to do. In particular, Shi Zui's words made him reflect on whether he really didn't care about Xiang xiaorou, which made her feel cold and violent.

God knows, he didn't even think of it. Even if it was unintentional, he could not be cold and violent to Xiang xiaorou.

Xiang xiaorou woke up again and found herself in the ward. She bounced up: "why am I here?"

Wen Changdong thought she was pretending to be stupid: "have you forgotten what you did?"

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