"I went to see Shi Shi just now. Maybe you don't know, she was sentenced to ten years. As for Shi ran, she was sentenced to life imprisonment." Shi Zui sat opposite Zhang Hui.

Zhang Hui didn't know the news.

She had been waiting for Shi Shi to save herself. Unexpectedly, Shi Shi could not protect herself. Shi ran was sentenced to such a heavy sentence.

"By the way, Shi Daming is dead. He died three days before anyone found his body. Finally, no one died. What does that mean?" Shi Zui smiled: "maybe evil will pay off."

Zhang Hui clenched her fists. She wanted to fight back, but found that any language seemed powerless.

She was locked up. Shi ran and Shi Shi were also locked up. Shi Daming died. No one in the world can save their mother and daughter.

Shi Zui sat here and read her jokes.

"What did I say? Zhang Hui, one day I'll make you pay for your evil deeds!" Shi Zui said word by word: "if you killed me in those years, you can still be your rich wife in high society. Unfortunately, you're not lucky. You hurt me so many times, and I'm still fine."

Zhang Hui looked ferocious and rushed at Shi Zui: "Shi Zui, it's all you bitch..."

Shi Zui easily avoided, and Zhang Hui fell to the ground, very embarrassed.

"I said, you'd better not let me turn over, or you'll end up miserable." Shi Zui stepped on Zhang Hui's back: "in the future, I'll let people entertain you in prison. You must live well and taste the taste that life is better than death!"

Zhang Hui should also have a taste of the pain that Zhang Hui inflicted on her and Jiang Xin in those years.

Zhang Hui lay on the ground, unable to move, and was kicked by Shi Zui.

She was terrified.

Shi Zui is definitely not joking. This woman has been vicious since childhood. If she finds someone to deal with herself in prison, how will she survive in the future?

The more she thought about it, the more frightened she became. She climbed up to Shi Zui and said, "Zui Zui, it's my fault. Please let me go. I'll reform in the future..."

"I let you go? Did you let my mother go? How did you abuse my mother in those years? Do you want me to elaborate again?" Shi Zui grabbed Zhang Hui's hair and dragged her head: "I said, what you did to my mother, I would do to you!"

She said she would avenge Jiang Xin, which was never a joke.

It's just a pity that her mother will never see it

Seeing that the plea for mercy was invalid, Zhang Hui simply went out and shouted at Shi Zui, "Shi Zui, you are so vicious that you will die!"

Shi Zui smelled yanle: "then you live well. When you get out of prison, maybe you can realize your little wish."

She then let go of Zhang Hui, put on sunglasses and left the visiting room.

Zhang Hui wanted to chase her out. She was stopped by the prison guard and brought back to the prison.

That afternoon, Zhang Hui suffered a lot.

For example, when she was sitting well, suddenly a cellmate ran over and poured boiling water on her.

She was torn with pain. Her back was full of blisters. She wanted to find the prison guard for medicine, but the prison guard was just not there.

There is no such coincidence. Of course, Shi Zui arranged it.

She really hurt so much that she suddenly remembered the scene of deja vu.

In those years, she also used this method to ask the servant to pour boiling water on Jiang Xin. Before Jiang Xin asked for a doctor, she waited for her wound to fester. If she died like this, it would be easier.

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