"Many of my wishes when I was a child were related to my mother. I wanted to make a lot of money, let my mother live in a big house and move away from the ghost place of the Shi family. I also wanted to find a good man for my mother. There was someone who really loved her. I also wanted to let Zhang Huisheng die and let her pay the price for what she had done..."

Shi Zui's voice faded away.

When she grew up, Zhang Hui went to prison and suffered retribution, but her wishes couldn't come true.

Lu Sui hugged Shi Zui painfully.

Only he knew what her wishes represented.

But when the wish comes true, the person she cares about most is gone.

"It doesn't matter. You still have me, twins, and many loved ones who love you and love you. People will always have big and small regrets in their life." Lu suirou comforted her.

Shi Zui nodded in his arms and replied in a muffled voice, "I know."

She is already very happy, but there is always a gap in her heart that keeps her awake at night.

Accompanied and comforted by Lu Sui, Shi Zui fell asleep.

She dreamed of being a child again.

That time she was beaten by the servant. Jiang Xin was very angry when she knew it and wanted to help her get justice, but Zhang Hui falsely accused her of stealing. Finally, she had to call the police and lock her up.

As for other servants, they became Zhang Hui's accomplice and witness.

As a result, Jiang Xin panicked and even had to kneel down and beg Zhang Hui.

She will never forget Jiang Xin's humbleness when protecting her and Zhang Hui's proud face

When she woke up from her nightmare, it was already dawn, and she lay in Lu Sui's arms.

Lu Sui saw that she woke up and asked, "do you want to sleep a little longer?"

She shook her head and said, "I'll go out."

She wants to go to prison again.

Only by making sure Zhang Hui is really in prison can she feel at ease.

Lu suixiang wanted to accompany her. She smiled back at him: "I just want to meet Zhang Hui. This is the gratitude and resentment between me and her. I have to go there anyway."

Lu Sui saw that it was not easy to force her to go alone.

Shi Zui put on makeup before going out. Usually she seldom makes up. She cried too hard last night and her eyes were a little swollen. Since she went to see Zhang Hui, of course, she wanted to be at her best.

Take care of herself. She went out of the house and went to prison.

Zhang huizha knew that someone came to visit the prison and thought it was the conscience of a relative.

She showed up with joy. When she saw that Shi Zui was radiant, her face changed slightly: "what else do you want?"

Shi Zui saw that Zhang Hui looked OK, and his eyes were slightly heavy.

She watches videos every day. How can she not know how miserable Zhang Hui is in prison these days?

But Zhang Hui seems to be in good spirits in front of her. There is no sad look in the video. Zhang Hui's good face can't deceive people.

What does this mean?

Or she underestimated Zhang Hui's fighting spirit. She didn't expect that this woman could be a demon in prison.

She came right this time.

In fact, it was Zhang Hui who spent a little money and managed it in prison. She found a cellmate and told her that she had a lot of money in the bank. As long as the inmate helps her, she can get through this difficulty.

Seeing the money, the man asked someone to withdraw money from the bank and found that there were many.

This proves that Zhang Hui still has some savings. And Zhang Hui said that this is only a small part of her deposit, and she has other property. If she can get out of prison earlier, she can stand out in the future.

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