Lu Wan's eyes fixed on Nie Zhiyuan's injured abdomen for two seconds. Finally, she turned back.

In the past, she thought Nie Zhiyuan's thick skin was a disadvantage. Now she thinks that his thin skin is more of a disadvantage.

Nie's foresight Lu Wan left and couldn't help slapping himself again: "you're angry with her again!"

Deserve to be rejected by Lu Wan.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Bian Yi was right. Lu Wan is so excellent and popular that she will remarry sooner or later.

When his career gets up again and prospers, she may have remarried.

Thinking of this possibility, he suddenly felt like he was walking into a dead end. He worked hard to match her. But what's the point of him doing this if he loses her?


When Lu Wan returned to Wen's house, he saw Shi zuizui and Lu Sui in the living room. They were flirting with each other after marriage. When they spent their honeymoon, they left the twins, so Xiaotiantian talked for a long time.

Shi Zui saw Lu Wan with his eyes pointed. "How's this expression? Are you lovelorn?"

Lu Wan was not angry and said, "you are lovelorn."

She is not in love. Where did she get lovelorn?

"Didn't you go to find Nie Zhiyuan?" Shi Zui said to reveal the secret.

Lu Wan was stunned and blurted out, "how do you know?"

Shi Zui smiled at the speech: "I just set your words. Who knows you really went to find Nie Zhiyuan."

Lu Wan's face turned black: "Why are you so annoying?"

Shi zuizui came forward and put on her shoulder: "did Nie Zhiyuan show you his face? People like him must love face. When he was in a high position, he chased you closely. Now he has nothing and feels unworthy of you. He must be very contradictory. On the one hand, he wants to get close to you, on the other hand, he feels unworthy of you."

"You seem to understand very well." Lu Wan pushed her hand away.

Shi Zui grinned: "I'm from the past. Of course I understand. You can't fall in love with other men. In that case, you might as well give him more time."

Lu Wan didn't answer.

Shi Zui didn't continue. She patted Lu Wan on the shoulder: "otherwise, you let him become a burden and you'll raise him."

Lu Wan sneered: "then you might as well kill him directly."

Nie Zhiyuan loves face so much, how can he become a burden? Shi Zui gave some bad ideas.

"I love him now?" Shi Zui joked.

Lu Wanbai glanced at her. She couldn't say anything about this woman anyway, so she chose not to fight.

Shi Zui looked at Lu Wan's back and said, "don't you care about Xiao Wan's life?"

"She always has her own opinion and knows what she wants. I don't worry." Lu Sui thought Shi Zui was drunk and made a big work. If she has such leisure time, she might as well give more love to her husband.

Make complaints about Lu Lu, and then he can't help but Tucao sentence: "you are too much of a brother to care about your brother."

"Isn't it enough for her to have your concern?" Lu Sui countered.

Shi Zui immediately heard the sour meaning in his words. She felt funny: "why do you even eat Xiaowan's vinegar?"

This is really a vinegar.


Nie Zhiyuan took a taxi back to the company and had no intention of working.

Before Lu Wan appeared, he could concentrate on his business. After Lu Wan appeared, his mind was full of Lu Wan's face.

"Since you can't concentrate on your work, you might as well go back and have a rest. You didn't listen to Lu Wan. Do you look like you're 20 years old?" Bian Yi took the opportunity to persuade.

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