Finally, Lu Wan clarified to the camera: "Zhiyuan is my boyfriend. Yu Jin is just my good friend. He will explain his affairs to the public."

"Does Miss Lu know the inside story?" some entertainment notes caught the focus of the problem.

"I don't know..." Lu Wan said vaguely.

Then, escorted by Nie Zhiyuan, they entered the gallery.

After that, a security guard appeared and took some effort to drive away the entertainment records.

Although no news about Yu Jin was interviewed this time, Lu Wan's relationship is also a hot spot.

In this way, the news about Lu Wan and Nie Zhiyuan's compound spread widely. As evidenced by Lu Wan's interview video, Lu Wan and Yu Jin are not lovers.

Just when everyone was curious about the relationship between Jin and Chen Xiaoxiao, Yu Jin finally held a press conference.

The purpose of this press conference, of course, is to announce that he is married.

When the news came out, there was an uproar. No one expected that Yu Jin got married as early as five years ago, but it has not been announced.

And that Chen Xiaoxiao is actually his sister-in-law.

Yu Jin's marriage was exposed and the whole network was boiling. We all feel that Yu Jin is worthy of being a film emperor, especially able to hide. If it hadn't been revealed this time that he went to the police station to pick up Chen Xiaoxiao, he would probably hide his secret marriage.

For the next week, Yu Jin will dominate the screen on hot search every day.

Chen Xiaoxiao just waited for the heat to drop quickly so that she could continue to chase Nie Zhiyuan.

Yu Jin advised Chen Xiaoxiao many times, but Chen Xiaoxiao couldn't listen. She always felt that if she liked it, she would chase it. Even if Nie Zhiyuan was dating Lu Wan, she could steal people from Lu Wan.

If she can steal Nie Zhiyuan from Lu Wan, it can only show that she has the ability.

Nie Zhiyuan didn't expect that in this way, Chen Xiaoxiao dared to come to him.

When he was on duty this day, he appeared in the parking lot. Chen Xiaoxiao suddenly appeared and got into his car.

As a result, Nie Zhiyuan simply didn't get on the bus: "Chen Xiaoxiao, you constitute harassment. Believe it or not, I'll send you to the police station again!"

I've never seen anyone more cheeky than this woman. I'm very angry.

"My brother-in-law and Lu Wan are good friends. You called the police to embarrass Lu Wan. Are you sure you want to do this?" Chen Xiaoxiao, the old God, was in the tunnel.

Apart from other things, Nie Zhiyuan is worth her risk.

The more things she can't get, the more challenging it is. She will take this man.

Nie Zhiyuan laughed angrily when Chen Xiaoxiao said so.

Yu Jin has no friendship with him. Chen Xiaoxiao probably hasn't entered the state yet. She thinks she will care about Yu Jin?

Without saying a word, he called the police again.

Chen Xiaoxiao looked bad and quickly took Nie Zhiyuan's mobile phone.

"Give me your cell phone back, or I'll sue you for robbery!" Nie Zhiyuan scowled and disliked Chen Xiaoxiao even more.

Chen Xiaoxiao hesitated: "can you not call the police?"

Nie Zhiyuan ignored her, grabbed his mobile phone and continued to call the police.

This time, Chen Xiaoxiao is not empty, waiting for the police to come.

Before long, someone arrived at the scene.

As a result, before the other party opened his mouth, Chen Xiaoxiao began to cry: "you came just in time to judge me. Nie Zhiyuan cheated me and stole my heart, but he was not responsible for me. You help me catch him. This heartless man can't think he can get rid of me if he has a new love!"

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