"If he took someone away, I'll deal with it. Don't worry." Lu Wan didn't dare to neglect.

She was afraid that Nie Zhiyuan didn't have a sense of propriety. Chen Xiaoxiao has been missing for two days. Who knows what will happen?

In case of human life, it is a criminal case. This is not a child's play.

Comforted Yu Jin, she went to Nie Zhiyuan's company as soon as possible.

"Why are you here?" Nie Zhiyuan guessed that it might be Yu Jin who made a small report to Lu Wan as soon as he saw Lu Wan.

"Where is Wu Xiaoxiao?" Lu Wan went straight to the theme.

"She's not mine. How do I know where she is?" Nie Zhiyuan replied in a low voice.

"Nie Zhiyuan, look at me and talk!" Lu Wan was very angry and yelled at Nie Zhiyuan: "you say, where is she? If you do something illegal, I can't be with a criminal. I must break up with you!"

Nie Zhiyuan was not calm when he heard this: "good, what bad words..."

"Did you say it or not?" Lu Wan looked at Nie Zhiyuan coldly.

Under her gaze, Nie Zhiyuan finally showed softness: "she's no big deal. She's just hungry for two days and can't die."

"Let her out at once!" Lu Wan breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I didn't do anything to kill people and steal goods.

"I'm going to lock her up for a few more days -" under Lu Wan's cold eyes, Nie Zhiyuan abruptly changed his mouth: "but if you say you want to release someone, release someone immediately. Xiao Wan, whatever you say, I'll listen to you."

Just don't break up with him.

In this way, under the supervision of Lu Wan, Nie Zhiyuan released Chen Xiaoxiao.

Chen Xiaoxiao was already very hungry. She didn't even have the strength to be angry. She just wanted to eat quickly.

Yu Jin was stunned when he saw Chen Xiaoxiao.

Chen Xiaoxiao's whole body stinks. He hasn't eaten for two days. He has obviously lost a circle.

Has he ever seen Chen Xiaoxiao look so embarrassed?

Chen Xiaoxiao didn't even bother to take a bath and hurriedly ate something to fill his stomach. Until she finally had the feeling of fullness, she felt that she smelled so bad that she hurried to take a bath again.

Until she had enough to eat and drink, she regained her spirit.

"Brother in law, I want to call the police!" she pointed to Nie Zhiyuan: "he illegally imprisoned me. I want him to sit at the bottom of the prison."

"You started it yourself. Xiao Wan and I have agreed that this matter is over and will not be investigated. Be honest with me in the future and don't provoke him again!" Yu Jin warned in a low voice.

How can Chen Xiaoxiao give up? She had to argue with Nie Zhiyuan, but Yu Jin pulled her away.

Before she left, she also put down her cruel words: "Nie, I can't get you in this life. I swear not to be a man!"

Nie Zhiyuan heard her threat and sniffed: "I don't think much of myself. I should be locked up longer to deal with this kind of woman. Only throwing her on a desert island can make her enlightened."

"What's hard for you to do? You're actually doing something illegal. This time they don't investigate. They really want to investigate. Are you going to eat in prison?" Lu Wan was also angry and roared at Nie Zhiyuan.

Nie Zhijian was angry and immediately lost her smile: "I'm bad. You're worried. Don't worry. I'm measured in my work, just to scare her. Even if she sued me, the people who took her didn't know me and couldn't find my head."

He even thought of a way out. How could he be afraid of Chen Xiaoxiao's woman?

Lu Wan thinks it doesn't make sense to talk to him.

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