Lin Zhao pointed to the blood on Lu Wan: "you look so scary."

Lu Wan looked down and smiled, "it's someone else's blood. It's just scary."

"Go back and have a rest early. It's better to meet you by chance. I'll take you back." Lin made a decision.

In this way, he can spend more time with Lu Wan.

"No, I'll take Xiao Wan home. Since you come to see your friends, go busy with your business." Nie Zhiyuan said, looking down and pausing on Lin Zhao's leg for a second.

"I still have time to send you back. Let's go and I'll send you." Lin Zhao disagreed.

Nie Zhiyuan insisted, "I will send Xiao Wan back myself."

Lin Zhao didn't speak, just looked at Lu Wan.

Lu Wan found that the expressions of Lin Zhao and Nie Zhiyuan were not quite right. She looked back and forth at the two people. Although they had no problem at first glance, the atmosphere was very subtle.

"Xiao Wan, I want to see you off." Lin Zhao asked Lu Wan for advice.

Lu Wan couldn't refuse, so she agreed: "OK, no problem. Just send it if you want."

Just don't let her drive anyway.

Because Lu Wan opened his mouth, although Nie Zhiyuan was dissatisfied with the result, he couldn't say anything more.

To the parking lot, Nie Zhiyuan picked up the car.

Lin Zhao wanted to go to the driver's seat, but Nie Zhiyuan took the lead and sat in the driver's seat.

Lu Wan was surprised to see this scene: "Lin Zhao, didn't you drive over?"

She thought he drove over and said she would take her home, didn't she?

"No, but it doesn't prevent me from taking you home!" Lin Zhao smiled brightly.

Nie Zhiyuan snorted coldly, "there are many plays!"

Don't think he doesn't know what Lin Zhao's idea is. He clearly wants to seize every opportunity to get along with Lu Wan.

Lu Wan didn't find Lin Zhao's sinister intentions. He knows Lin Zhao's thoughts best.

"Far away, can't you have a better attitude?" Lu Wan thought. Nie Zhiyuan sometimes cares too much.

Lin Zhao made it clear that he would not be involved with them again, and he had not appeared recently. Originally, according to Yilin's temperament, he really wants to destroy it. He has many ways.

But Lin Zhao didn't. There was no obstacle between Nie Zhiyuan and her, because Lin looked after her.

I don't know what Nie Zhiyuan is worrying about. A big man with such a small mind.

Nie's foresight Lu Wan opened his mouth and didn't speak again.

Lin Zhao took Lu Wan and sat in the back seat of the car: "it's rare for us to meet and talk with me."

Lu Wan couldn't refuse, so she sat behind Lin Zhao.

Nie Zhiyuan was angry when he saw this scene. He regarded him as a driver. Lin Zhao had sinister intentions.

If it weren't for Lin Zhao's poor sake, he would have thrown Lin Zhao out of the car.

Along the way, Lin Zhao was talking, and Lu Wan was mostly listening. Because she had to take into account Nie Zhiyuan's feelings, Lu Wan didn't dare to say too much for fear that Nie Zhiyuan would be jealous.

Fortunately, Lin Zhao just said some trivial things in life, and talked about some people and things he met at work.

"Say I will open a media company, or because you are in the performing arts circle. I thought you would return to this circle and work with you one day in the future. Who knows..."

No matter how he calculated, he couldn't calculate Lu Wan's mind.

He thought for a long time, but he didn't think that Lu Wan could leave. Unexpectedly, he really withdrew from the performing arts circle and won't return to this circle again.

So his preparedness became a joke.

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